Cephalanthus occidentalis - Cornus obliqua - Salix nigra / Carex joorii - Polygonum hydropiperoides Beaver Pond Shrub Swamp
NatureServe Biotics 2019
This hydric shrubland of the Upper West Gulf Coastal Plain occurs in areas of shallowly (to 1 m) ponded water which are most often created by beaver activity. Examples may range from predominately herbaceous vegetation with scattered emergent shrubs or trees to shrub-dominated examples. This community occurs in areas with long periods of inundation, saturated soils, and abundant sunlight. Dominant shrubs include <i>Cephalanthus occidentalis, Cornus obliqua</i>, and <i>Salix nigra</i> with <i>Acer negundo, Acer rubrum var. drummondii, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Liquidambar styraciflua, Nyssa sylvatica, Quercus nigra, Quercus phellos, Taxodium distichum</i>, and <i>Ulmus americana</i> occurring as occasional shrubby trees (often chewed on by beaver), seedlings, dead trees, or isolated overstory trees. Woody vines include <i>Smilax bona-nox, Smilax rotundifolia, Toxicodendron radicans, Vitis aestivalis</i>, and <i>Vitis rotundifolia</i>. The herbaceous layer is dominated by sedges and <i>Polygonum hydropiperoides</i>. The herbaceous layer is usually dense and can be over 1 m tall. These ponds can appear almost anywhere within the riparian landscape, mixed with many forest types, and can be quite large (to 100+ acres). Most hold water throughout the year, but some are ephemeral with the beaver moving to the river channel as the ponds dry up. Examples are known from Big Cypress Unique Area and Pine Bluff Arsenal. This community likely occurs throughout the Upper West Gulf Coastal Plain. The type location is in Dallas County, Arkansas. It is also known from Jefferson County, Arkansas.
Accession Code:{7301166B-F01F-436A-B6CB-0607B0F4E150}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: