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Alnus serrulata - Lindera benzoin / Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis - Carex tetanica Seepage Shrubland | NatureServe Biotics 2019
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Name: Alnus serrulata - Lindera benzoin / Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis - Carex tetanica Seepage Shrubland
Reference: NatureServe Biotics 2019
Description: The type is strictly confined to hillside seeps and lateral seepage zones in small stream bottoms of Central Appalachian Virginia. Physiognomically, this association is a patchwork of shrubs and small herbaceous openings. Mean total shrub stratum cover in four plots is 50%, and mean total herbaceous cover is 75%. Small trees are rooted along the edges of the shrublands in three plots. <i>Alnus serrulata</i> and <i>Lindera benzoin</i> are the dominant shrubs. <i>Aronia arbutifolia, Hamamelis virginiana, Kalmia latifolia, Lyonia ligustrina var. ligustrina</i>, sapling <i>Acer rubrum</i>, sapling <i>Liriodendron tulipifera</i>, and sapling <i>Pinus strobus</i> are frequent shrub stratum associates. <i>Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis</i> strongly dominates the herbaceous layer in three of the four plots; <i>Carex tetanica</i> dominates the fourth plot. Sedge cover is generally high, with <i>Carex atlantica ssp. atlantica, Carex echinata ssp. echinata, Carex gracillima</i>, and <i>Carex leptalea</i> also common to locally abundant. <i>Selaginella apoda</i> and <i>Packera aurea</i> are relatively constant (75%) species that attain moderately high cover in one and two plots, respectively. Relatively constant herbaceous species with low mean cover include <i>Carex granularis, Dichanthelium dichotomum, Drosera rotundifolia var. rotundifolia, Glyceria striata, Linum striatum, Osmunda cinnamomea, Oxypolis rigidior, Phlox maculata ssp. pyramidalis, Solidago rugosa, Thelypteris palustris var. pubescens</i>, and <i>Viola cucullata</i>. 
Accession Code: urn:lsid:vegbank.org:commConcept:36475-{46A5BA36-3010-4C39-8274-458239A89E41}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 6
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 13-Apr-2000 to: ongoing
      Names:   UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.685745 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Code: CEGL008408
  Translated: Hazel Alder - Northern Spicebush / Royal Fern - Rigid Sedge Seepage Shrubland
  Common: Ridge and Valley Calcareous Shrubby Seep
  Scientific: Alnus serrulata - Lindera benzoin / Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis - Carex tetanica Seepage Shrubland
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(similar) CEGL008408
(similar) Alnus serrulata - Lindera benzoin / Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis - Carex tetanica Shrubland
(similar) Alnus serrulata - Lindera benzoin / Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis - Carex tetanica Shrubland