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Abies magnifica / Arctostaphylos nevadensis Forest | NatureServe Biotics 2019
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Name: Abies magnifica / Arctostaphylos nevadensis Forest
Reference: NatureServe Biotics 2019
Description: This association is widespread in the central and southern Sierra Nevada in California, but it appears to be primarily on the west side of the range, and may extend into southern Oregon. This association can occur at all elevations of the upper montane, from 2130 to 2680 m (7000-8800 feet). Aspects are variable. Slopes range from gentle to somewhat steep. Stands are located on all slope positions except toeslopes; however, they are typically found on ridgetops and upper and middle slopes. Litter depths are significantly less when compared to most other associations. Granitic parent materials are common, with volcanic and metamorphic substrates rare. Most soils are formed in place over bedrock and range from 63.5 to 101.6 cm (25-40 inches) deep. Topsoils are usually sandy loams, with occasional sands and loams. Coarse fragment content in the subsoils is significantly higher than most other sites associated with this type. Soils are excessively drained. These stands are characteristically open woodlands with a distinctive low-shrub layer of <i>Arctostaphylos nevadensis</i>. Total vegetative cover is high due to the high cover of this shrub, but tree cover is significantly lower than most other types. Trees tend to occur as scattered clumps or individuals. The overstory is predominantly <i>Abies magnifica</i>, but occasional <i>Pinus jeffreyi</i> and <i>Abies lowiana</i> are present, and <i>Pinus monticola</i> is rarely present as scattered individuals. Some stands in the association are actually dominated by <i>Pinus jeffreyi</i>, although <i>Abies magnifica</i> is typically present in these situations as well. The shrub layer is typified by <i>Arctostaphylos nevadensis</i>, but <i>Chrysolepis sempervirens</i> is also a somewhat consistent member of the association. The herb component is often sparse and contains a mix of dry- and moderate-site species. <i>Arabis platysperma</i> and <i>Monardella odoratissima</i> indicate drier conditions, while <i>Pyrola picta</i> and <i>Viola purpurea</i> indicate moister sites. <i>Abies magnifica</i> is the major regenerating species. This association is closely related to ~<i>Abies magnifica - Pinus monticola / Arctostaphylos nevadensis</i> Forest (CEGL008615)$$ vegetationally, but the environments, primarily elevation, coarse fragment content, and textures, differ enough that they are classified separately at this time. 
Accession Code: urn:lsid:vegbank.org:commConcept:36659-{AE35A10B-99D0-4520-92A4-7CD66E6A4A1A}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 03-May-2002 to: ongoing
      Names:   UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.686883 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Code: CEGL008611
  Translated: California Red Fir - Pinemat Manzanita Forest
  Scientific: Abies magnifica / Arctostaphylos nevadensis Forest
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(similar) CEGL008611
(similar) Abies magnifica / Arctostaphylos nevadensis Forest
(similar) Abies magnifica / Arctostaphylos nevadensis Forest