Crataegus douglasii - Crataegus succulenta Shrubland Alliance
NatureServe Biotics 2019
Stands of this temporarily flooded alliance have a typically dense, tall (to 2.5 m), deciduous shrub layer that is dominated by <i>Crataegus douglasii</i> or <i>Crataegus succulenta</i>, either alone or together. This tall-shrub layer often includes a substantial amount of <i>Prunus virginiana</i> and may include substantial amounts of <i>Amelanchier alnifolia</i> and <i>Prunus americana</i>. <i>Viburnum lentago</i> may also be present. This tall-shrub layer often is so thick as to be all but impenetrable, but it may contain openings. A short-shrub layer (0.5-1 m tall) dominated by <i>Amorpha canescens, Rosa woodsii, Symphoricarpos occidentalis</i>, or <i>Symphoricarpos albus</i> is present in stands with patchy tall-shrub layers, with the lower shrubs growing beneath the openings in the taller shrub canopy. The herbaceous layer, present in stands with patchy shrub layers, usually consists of exotic species (<i>Bromus inermis, Poa pratensis, Phleum pratense, Cirsium arvense</i>), although several native species (<i>Carex sprengelii, Elymus glaucus, Elymus virginicus, Elymus trachycaulus ssp. trachycaulus, Galium boreale, Galium aparine, Galium triflorum</i>) often are present and may have constituted the original understories. Herbaceous species are sparse beneath dense shrub overstories. In northeastern Wyoming, the surrounding matrix vegetation typically is grassland. In Montana, vegetation on adjacent wetter sites may be <i>Populus</i> or <i>Salix</i> stands, or <i>Fraxinus pennsylvanica</i> or <i>Acer negundo</i> woodlands. Stands occur in mesic draws and along streams in the northern Great Plains and adjacent foothills of Montana and Wyoming. Elevations range up to1370 m. Stands grow in mesic draws, ravines, and on alluvial terraces on higher surfaces in streamside riparian areas. Sites are flat to gently sloping and temporarily flooded by spring runoff or after storms. Soils are moderately deep with soil textures ranging from sandy loam to clay loam derived from alluvium. Water tables are shallow (usually less than 1 m deep) except during dry periods.
Accession Code:{143FD96D-EC53-4DE7-B1AE-34110316ED6A}
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