Amsinckia tessellata - Erodium cicutarium Meadow
NatureServe Biotics 2019
The association is found sporadically in Death Valley National Park, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, and Mojave National Preserve in California and Nevada. Elevation in the stand samples is 874 m, and the slope steepness is gentle (3°). It is found on a lowslope with a neutral aspects. Soils are derived from a variety of substrates, including alluvium and alkali-granite. The association forms an open to continuous herb layer in which the herbaceous cover is 67% in the one stand sampled within the Mojave Desert. The emergent tree layer is typically absent, and the shrub layer is sparse (e.g., 0-4% cover). <i>Amsinckia tessellata</i> is dominant or codominant in the herbaceous layer with <i>Erodium cicutarium</i>. Other commonly associated herbs include <i>Asclepias subulata, Chamaesyce polycarpa, Chorizanthe brevicornu, Eschscholzia minutiflora, Leptosiphon aureus, Lupinus sparsiflorus, Mirabilis laevis, Pectocarya recurvata, Phacelia distans, Physalis hederifolia, Plagiobothrys</i> spp., and <i>Porophyllum gracile</i>. Shrubs that are present can include <i>Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus, Ambrosia dumosa, Encelia farinosa, Eriogonum plumatella, Larrea tridentata, Salazaria mexicana, Stephanomeria pauciflora, Tetradymia stenolepis, Viguiera parishii</i>, and <i>Yucca schidigera</i>.
Accession Code:{0D7881FB-2273-48C0-AB06-2B97A6D084FE}
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