Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa Northern Rocky Mountain Riparian Forest Alliance
NatureServe Biotics 2019
Vegetation within this alliance is characterized by an open to moderately dense tree layer that is dominated by <i>Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa</i> and <i>Populus balsamifera ssp. balsamifera</i>. Tree associates include <i>Populus deltoides, Populus angustifolia, Pinus ponderosa</i>, and <i>Picea</i> spp. A shrub layer is usually present and may be dominated by <i>Alnus incana, Betula papyrifera, Cornus sericea, Crataegus douglasii, Prunus virginiana, Ribes americanum, Salix exigua</i>, and <i>Symphoricarpos albus</i>. The herbaceous layer is usually relatively sparse and is dominated by either forbs or graminoids. Common species include <i>Actaea rubra, Cicuta douglasii, Equisetum sylvaticum, Mentha arvensis</i>, and <i>Symphyotrichum spathulatum</i>. This riparian forest alliance occurs on alluvial terraces along major streams and rivers throughout the western United States. It can occur on alluvial terraces of major streams and rivers, margins of lakes, meadows, deltas, river mouths, and terraces. Stands can occupy broad floodplains or form narrow stringers adjacent to streams with a much steeper slope. Soils typically overlay river gravel and/or cobbles and are coarse-textured. Water tables may drop below 1 m of the soil surface in summer, but can remain moist due to capillary action.
Accession Code:{69190125-8599-4460-A188-9306916AFDAA}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: