Hudsonia tomentosa Dune Dwarf-shrubland Alliance
NatureServe Biotics 2019
This alliance comprises associations that occur on northern Atlantic coastal dune settings, occasionally on more interior sand flats, usually in the low interdunal areas that do not intersect the water table. <i>Hudsonia tomentosa</i> is dominant, occurring as discrete patches that may coalesce into a dense mat on older, more stabilized dunes. A number of other shrubs, such as <i>Morella pensylvanica, Morella cerifera, Pinus taeda</i> saplings, and <i>Prunus maritima</i>, may occur but are low in abundance and cover. Herbaceous associates may include scattered individuals of <i>Ammophila breviligulata, Artemisia stelleriana, Chamaesyce polygonifolia, Cyperus grayi, Dichanthelium acuminatum, Diodia teres, Lechea maritima, Nuttallanthus canadensis, Oenothera humifusa, Panicum amarum var. amarulum, Panicum amarum var. amarum, Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium, Schizachyrium littorale</i>, and <i>Solidago sempervirens</i>. <i>Toxicodendron radicans</i> is a common vine. Scattered vines of <i>Smilax</i> are occasional. The unstable substrate is influenced by wind-deposited sand and supports no soil development; large patches of sparsely vegetated or unvegetated sand are common.
Accession Code:{AE532AED-B223-4C95-B533-058B99B33739}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: