Acer rubrum / Alnus serrulata - Ilex verticillata Appalachian-Piedmont Seepage Forest Alliance
NatureServe Biotics 2019
Vegetation of this alliance is found in forested acidic seeps and saturated swamp forests of the southern Piedmont and Appalachian regions of the southeastern United States. Forests in this alliance have variable canopy composition, but <i>Acer rubrum</i> and <i>Nyssa sylvatica</i> are common components. Canopy composition differs from the surrounding upland and varies with geography. Typical canopy species across the range of this alliance include <i>Acer rubrum var. trilobum, Nyssa sylvatica</i>, and <i>Liriodendron tulipifera</i>. One association contains <i>Pinus strobus</i>. Understory and shrub species include <i>Alnus serrulata, Ilex opaca var. opaca, Ilex verticillata, Aronia arbutifolia, Rhododendron canescens</i>, and <i>Viburnum nudum var. nudum</i>. Characteristic herbaceous species include <i>Carex</i> spp., <i>Osmunda cinnamomea, Osmunda regalis</i>, and <i>Woodwardia areolata</i>. In addition, <i>Sphagnum</i> spp. are typical. These wetland forests generally occur where the soils are saturated to the surface for extended periods during the growing season, but where surface water is seldom present. These forested, primarily acidic seeps are found on hillsides, streamheads, floodplain edges, poorly drained depressions, and gentle slopes where saturated conditions influence the vegetation.
Accession Code:{D786F5DA-A62C-4C36-99DB-E29BF7F89366}
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