Acer platanoides - Ailanthus altissima - Pinus spp. Exotic Ruderal Forest Alliance
NatureServe Biotics 2019
This alliance includes semi-natural forests dominated by naturalized <i>Acer platanoides, Ailanthus altissima, Paulownia tomentosa, Pinus nigra</i>, or <i>Pinus thunbergii</i>. These are all exotic tree species that have locally established in the region. <i>Pinus thunbergii</i> stands occur in the northeastern coastal region and likely beyond, on well-drained to xeric sandy soils, usually on sand dunes or near-coastal glacial tills. Stands are of variable canopy height and closure and dominated by <i>Pinus thunbergii</i> or <i>Pinus nigra</i>. <i>Ailanthus altissima</i> is a native of eastern Asia. This forest occurs mostly in disturbed areas, along roadsides, urban abandoned lands, and on limestone clifftops. In some parts of the range, this forest is associated with calcareous soils. <i>Acer platanoides</i> stands often occur to the exclusion of virtually all other canopy species. Most documented stands are at low elevations, on flat or rolling topography both above and below the glacial boundary. In some stands, native trees, including <i>Fraxinus americana</i> and <i>Acer saccharum</i> (the latter especially susceptible to exclusion by <i>Acer platanoides</i>), may be present in very limited amounts. Other stands may have non-native associates, including <i>Pinus nigra, Pinus sylvestris</i>, or <i>Robinia pseudoacacia</i>. The deep shade cast by <i>Acer platanoides</i> limits understory growth, aside from regeneration of <i>Acer platanoides</i>, or incursions by non-native shrubs such as <i>Rosa multiflora, Berberis vulgaris, Lonicera japonica</i>, or <i>Lonicera morrowii</i>. Native herbs are few, especially compared to more natural deciduous forests in similar settings. A few native or exotic herbaceous species or vines may occupy the ground layer, such as <i>Alliaria petiolata, Eurybia divaricata, Toxicodendron radicans</i>, and <i>Vinca minor</i>. <i>Paulownia tomentosa</i>, a native of Asia, has become naturalized in portions of the eastern United States, where it occurs as small, scattered populations along roadsides, in disturbed woodlots, and in streamside forests.
Accession Code:{3590518C-225B-4BD3-8EDD-58393BB6CF8F}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: