Quercus rubra - Quercus alba - Carya spp. Piedmont Forest Alliance
NatureServe Biotics 2019
These are dry-mesic to mesic upland oak forests dominated by <i>Quercus alba</i> and/or <i>Quercus rubra</i>, with or without <i>Carya</i> species, found in the southern Piedmont, the lower elevations of the Appalachian Mountains, the adjacent Ridge and Valley, and peripherally in the adjacent Upper East Gulf Coastal Plain of the southeastern United States. <i>Quercus alba</i> usually dominates, either alone or in combination with <i>Quercus falcata</i> (especially on drier sites), <i>Quercus rubra</i> (especially on moister sites), and sometimes <i>Quercus velutina</i>. <i>Carya</i> species (particularly <i>Carya tomentosa, Carya glabra</i>, or <i>Carya ovata</i>) are typically common either in the canopy or subcanopy. Other associated species include <i>Acer leucoderme, Acer rubrum, Calycanthus floridus, Cornus florida, Fraxinus americana, Kalmia latifolia, Nyssa sylvatica, Ostrya virginiana, Oxydendrum arboreum, Pyrularia pubera</i>, and others. Stands are found on gentle to moderately steep slopes on uplands and on steep valley sides. The soils are moderately deep to deep and vary from silts to clays and loams. The parent material ranges from glaciated till to limestone, shale, sandstone and other bedrock types.
Accession Code:{70E110B5-7153-41BD-AEF3-223A161BD449}
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