Hypericum chapmanii - Hypericum lissophloeus Pondshore Shrubland Alliance
NatureServe Biotics 2019
This alliance consists of seasonally flooded shrublands which are dominated by <i>Hypericum lissophloeus</i> or <i>Hypericum chapmanii</i>; both species are endemic to the Florida Panhandle. <i>Hypericum lissophloeus</i> forms a dense tall-shrub layer 3-5 m tall on the outer margins of steeply sloping pond margins. Other associated species include <i>Andropogon capillipes, Andropogon glaucopsis, Centella erecta, Chrysoma pauciflosculosa, Dichanthelium</i> spp., <i>Eleocharis</i> spp., <i>Hypericum fasciculatum, Hypericum tenuifolium, Lachnocaulon minus, Ludwigia suffruticosa, Lupinus westianus var. westianus, Panicum hemitomon</i>, and <i>Panicum virgatum</i>. <i>Hypericum lissophloeus</i> is limited to sinkhole ponds in Bay and Washington counties, Florida. These sinkhole ponds are unusually large, steep-sided, and deep, with as much as 30 m elevational change from rim (sandhill) to center. <i>Hypericum chapmanii</i> may be found in flatwoods ponds and dome swamps or along the ecotones of larger ponds and domes in the region, generally closer to the coast than <i>Hypericum lissophloeus</i>. The vegetation is typified by a moderate to dense shrub/dwarf-tree stratum 2-5 m tall, dominated by <i>Hypericum chapmanii</i>, typically with <i>Hypericum brachyphyllum</i> and <i>Ilex myrtifolia</i> present. A sparse emergent layer of <i>Taxodium ascendens</i> may be present. With <i>Hypericum chapmanii</i> are shrub species such as <i>Cyrilla parvifolia, Ilex myrtifolia, Hypericum brachyphyllum, Hypericum fasciculatum</i>, and <i>Nyssa ursina</i>, and herbaceous species including <i>Coreopsis nudata, Eriocaulon compressum, Eriocaulon decangulare, Lobelia floridana, Pinguicula planifolia</i>, and <i>Polygala cymosa</i>.
Accession Code:{7575D7A2-C4CD-4F36-8B18-35AE0AC04A1F}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: