Rocky Mountain Alpine Sparse Herb Bedrock & Scree Alliance
NatureServe Biotics 2019
Vegetation is predominantly vascular plant species of forbs and/or graminoids. Moss and other bryophytes may be present to as abundant as the vascular cover. Sparse cover of forbs, grasses, low shrubs and small trees may be present with total vascular plant cover typically between 5 and 15% due to the high cover of exposed rock. Many species are tiny, growing in cracks in rock outcrops. Some characteristic species include <i>Astragalus kentrophyta, Astragalus molybdenus, Collomia larsenii, Dryas octopetala, Noccaea fendleri ssp. glauca, Townsendia leptotes, Townsendia rothrockii</i>, and alpine species of <i>Eriogonum</i> and <i>Phlox</i>, as well as <i>Achnatherum swallenii, Athyrium americanum, Carex perglobosa, Cirsium scopulorum, Cryptogramma acrostichoides, Ericameria discoidea, Hulsea algida, Ivesia cryptocaulis, Oxyria digyna, Phacelia hastata var. compacta, Polemonium viscosum, Saxifraga bronchialis, Saxifraga chrysantha, Saxifraga mertensiana, Saxifraga rivularis, Senecio taraxacoides, Silene acaulis</i>, and <i>Sphaeromeria argentea</i>. This alpine alliance is found throughout the Rocky Mountain cordillera and alpine areas in high plateaus and ranges in the Colorado Plateau and Great Basin. Stands occur in rock outcrop, cliff crevices, unstable talus and scree slopes, and boulder fields. Elevation ranges from 3000-3915 m in Colorado to 1600-2400 m in northwestern Montana. Sites occur on all aspects near the upper elevational limit for vascular plants; only nonvascular mosses, lichens, and algae survive at higher altitudes. Soils are young and poorly developed due to low soil temperature, low soil moisture during the summer, and a short growing season.
Accession Code:{A3DBFEBF-47E7-4B14-93EF-F0D9E052546D}
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