Alnus spp. - Salix spp. - Spiraea spp. Wet Shrubland Group
NatureServe Biotics 2019
This group includes shrublands that occur on poorly drained or well-drained seasonally wet to saturated soils that may dry out completely during the growing season, mostly on mineral or shallow (<30 cm) organic or muck soils over mineral substrates. Stands may be dominated by <i>Alnus viridis ssp. sinuata, Cornus sericea, Malus fusca, Rubus spectabilis, Salix hookeriana, Salix sitchensis, Spiraea douglasii</i>, and/or <i>Vaccinium uliginosum</i>, singly or in various combinations. They may occur in mosaics with marshes or forested swamps, being on average more wet than forested swamps and more dry than marshes. However, it is also frequent for them to dominate entire wetland systems. Wetland species, including <i>Carex aquatilis var. dives, Carex utriculata, Equisetum fluviatile</i>, and <i>Lysichiton americanus</i>, dominate the understory. On some sites, <i>Sphagnum</i> spp. are common in the understory. This group includes wet shrublands found throughout the Pacific Northwest coast, from Cook Inlet and Prince William Sound, Alaska, to the northern coast of California. These are deciduous broadleaf tall shrublands that are located in depressions, around lakes or ponds, or river terraces where water tables fluctuate seasonally (mostly seasonally flooded regime), in areas that receive nutrient-rich waters. These depressions are poorly drained with fine-textured organic, muck or mineral soils and standing water common throughout the growing season.
Accession Code:{8860DAC5-8D71-4136-9A93-2D3B921A8877}
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