Eragrostis lehmanniana - Bromus rubens - Brassica tournefortii Warm Desert Ruderal Grassland Group
NatureServe Biotics 2019
This broadly defined ruderal group occurs in Arizona and northern Mexico and elsewhere in the Desert Southwest. It includes all desert scrub with an exotic species-dominated understory (>90% relative cover) in the herbaceous layer as well as exotic-dominated herbaceous stands. These open to dense grasslands and forblands are composed of either exotic annual or biennial grasses or forbs with low cover of perennial species (<10% absolute cover) or stands with a significant perennial herbaceous layer (>10% absolute cover) strongly dominated by exotics (>90% relative cover) with or without annuals and biennials present to dominant. Characteristic understory species include <i>Brassica nigra, Brassica tournefortii, Bromus madritensis, Bromus rubens, Cynodon dactylon, Eragrostis lehmanniana, Erodium cicutarium, Schismus arabicus, Schismus barbatus</i>, and <i>Sorghum halepense</i> with little native composition remaining. Other woody species may include <i>Calliandra eriophylla, Gutierrezia sarothrae</i>, or <i>Isocoma tenuisecta</i>. <i>Gutierrezia microcephala</i> is abundant in some stands. Remnant native desert grasses may be present with low cover. Other common herbaceous species include <i>Allionia incarnata, Ambrosia confertiflora, Boerhavia erecta, Mollugo verticillata, Cylindropuntia versicolor, Panicum hirticaule, Polygala barbeyana, Proboscidea parviflora</i>, and <i>Phemeranthus aurantiacus</i>. The native annual forb <i>Amaranthus palmeri</i> often codominates. This desert grassland and shrubland group occurs in southeastern Arizona on alluvial fans, ridges, hills and valley floors. The elevation range is 960-1100 m (3150-3600 feet). Climate is warm, semi-arid to arid continental. Mean annual precipitation ranges from 22-28 cm, but can vary greatly from year to year. Drought is not uncommon. Sites occur on gentle to moderate slopes. Substrates are variable but are often well-drained sandy loam.
Accession Code:{833830D3-EBE7-443B-A2DE-C6B50C272559}
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