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Pinus leiophylla - Pseudotsuga menziesii / Quercus hypoleucoides Madrean Montane Forest & Woodland Macrogroup | NatureServe Biotics 2019
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Name: Pinus leiophylla - Pseudotsuga menziesii / Quercus hypoleucoides Madrean Montane Forest & Woodland Macrogroup
Reference: NatureServe Biotics 2019
Description: This macrogroup occurs at mid to upper elevations in mountains the Sierra Madre Occidentale and Sierra Madre Orientale in Mexico, Trans-Pecos Texas, southern New Mexico and Arizona, generally south of the Mogollon Rim and is characterized open to closed evergreen, conifer and mixed conifer- evergreen broad-leaved Madrean forests and woodlands. The upper tree canopy is 15-30 m tall depending on dominant species and is dominated or codominated by conifers such as <i>Hesperocyparis arizonica, Pinus arizonica, Pinus engelmannii, Pinus leiophylla</i>, and at higher elevations by <i>Abies coahuilensis, Abies concolor, Pinus strobiformis, Pseudotsuga menziesii</i>, or <i>Pinus ponderosa</i> in the northern extent. The tree canopy is often codominated by evergreen oak trees such as <i>Quercus albocincta, Quercus arizonica, Quercus chrysolepis, Quercus emoryi, Quercus fulva, Quercus grisea, Quercus viminea, Quercus hypoleucoides</i>, or <i>Quercus rugosa</i> (the latter two at higher elevations). <i>Arbutus arizonica</i> and <i>Arbutus xalapensis</i> dominated stands are also included in this macrogroup. Other tree species present may include <i>Acer grandidentatum, Juniperus deppeana, Juniperus flaccida, Pinus cembroides, Pinus discolor</i>, and <i>Pinus edulis</i>. An open to moderately dense shrub layer is often present and includes encinal, chaparral, or montane shrub species, such as <i>Agave</i> spp., <i>Arctostaphylos pringlei, Arctostaphylos pungens, Ceanothus fendleri, Cercocarpus montanus, Garrya wrightii, Nolina</i> spp., and <i>Quercus turbinella</i>. Deciduous oak species, such as <i>Quercus gambelii, Quercus muehlenbergii</i>, or <i>Quercus x pauciloba</i> may be present. If <i>Quercus gambelii</i> is prominent in the shrub layer, then other Madrean elements are present. Sites are variable, ranging from warm to cool, xeric to dry-mesic, gentle to very steep slopes, and dry benches that occur at lower to mid-montane elevation (1460-2700 m in the U.S.). Lower elevation stands are more wide spread tends to be on northerly aspects. Upper elevation stands are restricted to cooler north and east aspects in high-elevation ranges. Substrates are generally rocky and lithic soils, but include finer-textured alluvial soils along streams. Stands with a grass-dominated understory tend to occur on less steep and rocky slopes and have finer-textured soils. Stands in macrogroup are similar to ~Southern Rocky Mountain Lower Montane Forest Macrogroup (M022)$$, but that macrogroup lacks the diagnostic Madrean elements. 
Accession Code: urn:lsid:vegbank.org:commConcept:40442-{EABA32C6-DD19-43D0-BE97-6A2570C61470}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 15-Oct-2014 to: ongoing
      Names:   UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.838440 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Code: M011
  Scientific: Pinus leiophylla - Pseudotsuga menziesii / Quercus hypoleucoides Madrean Montane Forest & Woodland Macrogroup