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Atriplex confertifolia - Atriplex canescens - Atriplex corrugata Great Basin Scrub Macrogroup | NatureServe Biotics 2019
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Name: Atriplex confertifolia - Atriplex canescens - Atriplex corrugata Great Basin Scrub Macrogroup
Reference: NatureServe Biotics 2019
Description: This widespread cool semi-desert macrogroup centers in the Intermountain West of the U.S. The vegetation is characterized by open to moderately dense cover of shrubs (&lt;2 m tall), both short shrubs and/or dwarf-shrubs, with a typically sparse herbaceous layer composed of perennial bunchgrasses. Dominant shrubs may include <i>Atriplex canescens, Atriplex confertifolia, Atriplex cuneata, Atriplex lentiformis, Atriplex obovata, Atriplex polycarpa</i>, and <i>Atriplex spinifera</i>. Dominant dwarf-shrubs may include <i>Atriplex corrugata, Atriplex gardneri, Picrothamnus desertorum, Sarcobatus baileyi</i> (Carson Desert), and <i>Psorothamnus polydenius</i> (sandy soils). Sometimes stands are codominated by <i>Artemisia tridentata, Krascheninnikovia lanata</i>, or species of <i>Ephedra</i> and <i>Lycium</i>. Some stands dominated by <i>Grayia spinosa</i> are also included in this macrogroup. Many other shrubs may be present, especially in transition areas with desert or montane scrub. Medium-tall and short perennial grasses often dominate the sparse to moderately dense graminoid layer, including <i>Achnatherum hymenoides, Bouteloua gracilis, Distichlis spicata, Elymus elymoides, Hesperostipa comata, Leymus ambiguus, Leymus salinus, Pascopyrum smithii, Pleuraphis jamesii, Poa secunda, Pseudoroegneria spicata, Sporobolus airoides</i>, and <i>Sporobolus cryptandrus</i>. The species present depend on the geographic range of the grasses, soil alkalinity/salinity, and past land use. A number of annual species may also grow in association with the shrubs and grasses, although they are usually rare and confined to areas of recent disturbance. Forb cover is generally sparse. This salt-desert shrubland macrogroup is matrix-forming in the Intermountain West. It forms large, small and linear patches in the Mojave and Sonoran deserts and extends east into the southern Great Plains. It occurs on gentle slopes and rolling plains in the northern Colorado Plateau and Uinta Basin on Mancos shale and semi-arid, windswept plains and basins across parts of central Wyoming. Elevations range between 1520 and 2200 m (4987-7218 feet). Sites can be found on all aspects and include valley bottoms, alluvial and alkaline flats, mesas and plateaus, playas, drainage terraces, washes and interdune basins, bluffs, and gentle to moderately steep sandy or rocky slopes. Soils are shallow to moderately deep, poorly developed, and a product of a semi-arid climate. Substrates are typically saline, alkaline, fine-textured soils developed from shale or alluvium. Infiltration rate is typically low. Soil surface is often very barren and interspaces between the characteristic plant clusters are commonly covered by a microphytic crust. 
Accession Code: urn:lsid:vegbank.org:commConcept:40502-{BB21CB6A-AEC8-4540-802A-DB395D060768}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 16-Jan-2019 to: ongoing
      Names:   UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.860463 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Code: M093
  Scientific: Atriplex confertifolia - Atriplex canescens - Atriplex corrugata Great Basin Scrub Macrogroup