Renosterveld Macrogroup
NatureServe Biotics 2019
Renosterveld is one of the three types of vegetation of the Fynbos biome in South Africa. It encompass communities that are also driven by fires and composed of mid to tall shrubs, grasses, geophytes and annuals. The majority of its distribution occurs on clay-rich soils/shale. Differences with fynbos vegetation are mainly the absence of Restionaceae (or drop to <5%), Proteaceae and Ericaceae, and a distribution in a drier climate with mean precipitation between 250-500/700 mm, peaking in winter. Fires in Renosterveld seem to be more frequent, with 3-10 years of recurrence. It occurs from sea level to plateaus as high as 1900 m, on coastal plains, slightly undulating plains, valleys, lower mountain slopes and plateaus. The vegetation is usually formed by cupressoid-leaved shrubs, renosterbos (<i>Elytropappus rhinocerotis</i>), <i>Rhus</i> spp., <i>Euclea undulata, Euryops tenuissimus, Euryops</i> spp., <i>Cliffortia arborea</i>, and <i>Diospyros austro-africana</i>. Low shrubs are <i>Asparagus capensis, Eriocephalus africanus, Eriocephalus</i> spp., <i>Galenia africana, Lycium cinereum, Pelargonium abrotanifolium, Pentzia incana, Pteronia pallens, Pteronia</i> spp., and <i>Rosenia oppositifolia</i>. Geophytic herbs include <i>Drimia intricata, Hesperantha cucullata, Oxalis obtusa</i>, and <i>Romulea</i> spp., and succulents are species of <i>Crassula, Delosperma, Euphorbia</i>, and <i>Tylecodon</i>. Graminoids include <i>Ehrharta calycina, Ehrharta capensis, Hyparrhenia hirta, Karrocloa purpurea</i>, and <i>Merxmuellera stricta</i>, among many others.
Accession Code:{1496E4CC-E3CC-4FFC-BA67-61EA87F38BF6}
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