Strandveld Macrogroup
NatureServe Biotics 2019
Strandveld or beach vegetation is a South African (west and south coasts) macrogroup formed by communities that usually grow on the stabilized dunes of the coastal hinterland or further inland on harder substrates supporting shallow soils, always with high concentrations of calcium. Rainfall varies between 300 and 600 mm, depending on the location. The vegetation consists of medium dense to closed shrublands, shorter the closer to the coast, dominated by sclerophyllous, broad-leaved shrubs. Succulent shrubs are an important element and therefore (probably) fire frequency is low, with a return interval of likely 50-200 years. Common genera are <i>Aloe, Azima, Cassine, Clausena, Cussonia, Euclea, Diospyros, Grewia, Gymnosporia, Maytenus, Pterocelastrus, Rhus</i>, and <i>Sideroxylon</i>, and among the succulents <i>Antimima, Cotyledon, Crassula, Dorotheanthus, Drosanthemum, Euphorbia, Ruschia, Tetragonia</i>, and <i>Tylecodon</i>.
Accession Code:{32D08968-016A-4BBF-9240-A8242E608A11}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: