Bolivian-Tucuman Montane Grassland & Shrubland Macrogroup
NatureServe Biotics 2019
Grasslands and shrublands are natural communities in the upper portions of the Andean slopes, usually above the treeline; however, they can also occur in small patches at lower elevations (2000-3000 m) as seral stages after the occurrence of landslides or other type of natural disturbance. Some of the species of these assemblages are also the ones that form communities on sites with stony, shallow soils. In situations of anthropogenic disturbance, they also tend to form the natural hedges among agricultural fields and the vegetation that grows on creeks and ravines. This macrogroup represents the plant communities in these varied situations, growing from 1200 to approximately 3800 m in the eastern montane forest zone of southern Bolivia and northern Argentina, with climates from humid to seasonally dry. At higher altitudes on poor substrates they are dominated by bunchgrasses <i>Deyeuxia calderillensis, Deyeuxia fiebrigii, Deyeuxia hieronymi, Festuca boliviana, Festuca dolichophylla, Festuca fiebrigii, Festuca hieronymi</i>. At lower elevations, open shrublands associated with forbs and grasses include <i>Chusquea lorentziana, Rubus bolivianus, Vassobia brevifolia, Myrsine coriacea, Croton densiflorus</i>, and in warmer valleys they include <i>Bocconia pearcei, Tecoma stans, Acacia aroma, Cestrum albotomentosum, Adenaria floribunda, Senna spectabilis, Verbesina alophylla, Myrsine coriacea</i>.
Accession Code:{77B61B41-DA21-454B-8044-FDE3306D151A}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: