Namaqualand Hardeveld Macrogroup
NatureServe Biotics 2019
Communities within this macrogroup occur along a very broad elevational range, therefore, some of them experience higher moisture with up to about 200 mm (or 300 mm) annual precipitation in the higher areas (>1000 m) from winter rains and dew. The landscape is mostly slightly undulating, smooth hilly country or broad plains and valleys surrounded by rocky granitic hills and mountains. The soils vary between shallow and sandy to deeper and loamy depending on the rocks (gneisses, granites and shales). Some landscapes include ancient, almost leveled termite mounds. The vegetation is mostly a mosaic of low to dwarf-shrubs with succulent or ericoid leaves, ephemeral herbs, and spreading leaf-succulents. Among them are many endemics, including <i>Aloe striata ssp. komaggasensis, Cheiridopsis denticulata, Cheiridopsis aspera, Cheiridopsis peculiaris, Euphorbia oxystegia, Othonna euphorbioides, Othonna abrotanifolia, Psilocaulon foliosum</i>, and <i>Stoeberia frutescens</i> (succulent shrubs); <i>Lachenalia namaquensis, Gorteria diffusa ssp. calendulacea, Hebenstretia hamulosa, Lotononis stenophylla, Lotononis acutiflora, Manulea decipiens, Mollugo namaquensis, Nemesia gracilis</i> (herbs); and <i>Conophytum arturolfago, Conophytum caroli, Conophytum jarmilae, Conophytum pubicalyx</i>, and <i>Lithops naureeniae</i> (succulent herbs).
Accession Code:{471AE369-0186-486F-8C1B-2338974AD0CD}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: