Rhododendron catawbiense / Saxifraga michauxii - Danthonia compressa Felsic & Mafic Scrub & Grassland Macrogroup
NatureServe Biotics 2019
This vegetation macrogroup encompasses a variety of grass- and shrub-dominated communities, sometimes with scattered and/or stunted trees, known colloquially as balds, barrens, flatrocks, rock outcrops, rocky domes, and rocky summits. They are found in the Appalachian and Piedmont regions of the eastern United States (with outliers in adjacent Canada), from higher to lower elevations. A suite of species tolerant of dry and rocky conditions are characteristic. At lower elevations this includes <i>Danthonia spicata, Dichanthelium</i> spp., and <i>Schizachyrium scoparium</i>, with trees including <i>Pinus virginiana, Quercus montana, Quercus stellata</i>, and/or <i>Quercus velutina</i>. At higher elevations this includes <i>Carex pensylvanica, Danthonia compressa, Huperzia selago, Minuartia groenlandica, Sibbaldiopsis tridentata</i>, and <i>Trichophorum cespitosum</i>. Shrubs may include <i>Kalmia latifolia, Rhododendron catawbiense</i>, and <i>Vaccinium corymbosum</i>. Appalachian oak barrens are dominated by grasses and shrubs, typically with scattered trees, including <i>Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana, Quercus marilandica, Quercus montana, Quercus stellata</i>, and/or <i>Quercus velutina</i> found on rocky substrates of a range of soil chemistries in the broadly-conceived Appalachian region. Appalachian balds may be dominated by shrubs or by graminoids and low forbs, and are found on higher peaks in the Southern Appalachians. The most characteristic species are <i>Carex pensylvanica, Danthonia compressa, Rhododendron catawbiense</i>, and <i>Sibbaldiopsis tridentata</i>. Granitic domes, flatrocks, and associated solution pools are found in the southern Piedmont of the United States. This vegetation is dominated by <i>Croton michauxii var. ellipticus, Minuartia glabra, Packera tomentosa, Schizachyrium scoparium</i>, and <i>Phemeranthus</i> spp., with <i>Diamorpha smallii</i> having high cover in some examples. The pools are distinctive and contain <i>Amphianthus pusillus</i>.
Accession Code:{EDB67D0F-AFD8-40B6-B065-A0C8E9671273}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: