Central Andean (Yungas) Upper Montane Grassland & Shrubland Macrogroup
NatureServe Biotics 2019
This macrogroup represents the grasslands and shrublands growing in the high Andes from Peru and Bolivia, mostly on the humid eastern slopes, from 3000-4200 m elevation. They are formed by dense tussock grasses, and a variety of bushes and shrubs. Shrub associations are often found bordering the upper limit of montane forest forming an ecotonal area, while grassland with scattered short scrub occupy large areas in the landscape, where the herbaceous component is the matrix. This vegetation occurs in a complex mosaic with hygrophilous grasslands, wetlands and peatlands, also with rocky outcrops covered by saxicolous communities, and riparian systems, all these with a generally very localized spatial expression. Diagnostic genera for this macrogroup are <i>Cortaderia, Neurolepis, Calamagrostis (= Deyeuxia), Gentiana, Gentianella, Eriocaulon, Paepalanthus, Melpomene, Festuca, Stipa, Huperzia, Jamesonia, Werneria, Blechnum, Pernettya, Gaultheria, Miconia, Loricaria, Diplostephium, Xyris, Hypericum, Arcytophyllum, Brachyotum, Aulonemia, Ripidocladium</i>, and <i>Vaccinium</i>.
Accession Code:{3C224273-14AE-40BF-990C-CCF02FC2DE75}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: