Bolivian-Tucuman Xeromorphic Scrub & Woodland Macrogroup
NatureServe Biotics 2019
This macrogroup represents the xeromorphic vegetation of the intermontane valleys of the eastern slopes of the Andes in the biogeographic region known as Boliviano-Tucumano, from Cochabamba in central Bolivia to central northwestern Argentina. Besides the orographic rainshadow effect, at these latitudes the climate is strongly seasonal, creating xeric to semi-arid conditions in the inter-Andean valleys. Elevations vary between 800-900 to 2800 m. Communities include partially open deciduous forests to open woodlands and thorn scrub. Characteristic species in the upper belt of this type are <i>Kageneckia lanceolata, Escallonia millegrana</i>, and <i>Carica quercifolia</i>, and in the lower elevation, <i>Schinopsis haenkeana, Cardenasiodendron brachypterum, Loxopterygium grisebachii, Espostoa guentherii, Neocardenasia herzogiana, Ruprechtia apetala, Bougainvillea berberidifolia, Prosopis kuntzei, Gochnatia palosanto</i>, and <i>Tecoma tenuifolia</i>. Herbs and shrubs that thrive in seral stages of these types are <i>Gochnatia glutinosa, Flourensia fiebrigii, Aphyllocladus spartioides, Nardophyllum armatum, Senna hookeriana, Pappophorum philippianum, Eragrostis nigricans, Aristida friesii, Stipa leptostachya, Pennisetum chilense</i>, and <i>Erioneuron avenaceum</i>. The macrogroup also includes communities growing between 2000-2900 m altitude, restricted to Tarija and Jujuy valleys in Bolivia and Argentina, respectively, formed by shrublands or low woodlands, with semi open canopy dominated by very xeromorphic microphyllous species with abundant columnar and globular cacti. Diagnostic species of this group are <i>Acacia feddeana, Cercidium andicola, Hyaloseris camataquiensis, Gochnatia cardenasii, Gochnatia glutinosa, Bulnesia rivas-martinezii, Weingartia cintiensis, Senecio quinquelepis</i>, and <i>Senna crassirramea</i>.
Accession Code:{2E327FB8-F43A-4919-BDC6-AF453085C501}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: