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Plot #1
United States

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» Carex maritima Carex maritima Gunn. Carex maritima Carex maritima** curved sedge Carex maritima Gunn. Carex maritima Carex maritima** curved sedge (30%)
» Agropyron boreale (Turcz.) Drobow ex Polunin ssp. alaskanum (Scribn. and Merr.) Melderis Agropyron boreale (Turcz.) Drobow ex Polunin ssp. alaskanum (Scribn. & Merr.) Melderis Agropyron boreale ssp. alaskanum Agropyron boreale (Turcz.) Drobow ex Polunin ssp. alaskanum (Scribn. and Merr.) Melderis** Agropyron boreale (Turcz.) Drobow ex Polunin ssp. alaskanum (Scribn. and Merr.) Melderis** Agropyron boreale (Turcz.) Drobow ex Polunin ssp. alaskanum (Scribn. & Merr.) Melderis Agropyron boreale ssp. alaskanum Agropyron boreale (Turcz.) Drobow ex Polunin ssp. alaskanum (Scribn. and Merr.) Melderis** Agropyron boreale (Turcz.) Drobow ex Polunin ssp. alaskanum (Scribn. and Merr.) Melderis** (20%)
» Poa arctica Poa arctica R. Br. Poa arctica Poa arctica** arctic bluegrass Poa arctica R. Br. Poa arctica Poa arctica** arctic bluegrass (10%)
» Ranunculus pedatifidus affinis Ranunculus pedatifidus Sm. var. affinis (R. Br.) L. Benson Ranunculus pedatifidus var. affinis Ranunculus pedatifidus affinis** northern buttercup Ranunculus pedatifidus Sm. var. affinis (R. Br.) L. Benson Ranunculus pedatifidus var. affinis Ranunculus pedatifidus affinis** northern buttercup (8%)
» Potentilla hookeriana hookeriana Potentilla hookeriana Lehm. var. hookeriana Potentilla hookeriana var. hookeriana Potentilla hookeriana hookeriana** Potentilla hookeriana hookeriana** Potentilla hookeriana Lehm. var. hookeriana Potentilla hookeriana var. hookeriana Potentilla hookeriana hookeriana** Potentilla hookeriana hookeriana** (7%)
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