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Observation ? SNFN0114
Author Plant Name ? Moss
Reference ? Sharp, A.J., Crum, H., and P.M. Eckel. 1994.
Accession Code ? urn:lsid:vegtwig.vegbank.org:taxonObservation:22816-{239B7F3A-E296-451F-AF52-252340A3BBF8}
Interpretations of this Taxon:
Plant Concept ?: Bryophyta
Interpretation Date ?: 19-Apr-2005
Party ?: California Native Plant Society (organization)
Interpretation Type ?:
Original Interpretation ?: yes
Current Interpretation ?: yes
Taxon Fit ?:
Taxon Confidence ?:
Group Type ?:
ACTION: Interpret This Plant
Taxon Importance Values:
Stratum ?Cover ?Original Cover Code ?Basal Area ?Biomass ?Inference Area ? Stems:Stem Diameters (graphically):
3 %