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CART: Drop/Add Plot #1   Peet-Rockies-214 More Detail | Less Detail
Taxa occurring on this plot-observation
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ord Author Plant Name ?Original Interpretation, full Scientific Name ?Original Interpretation, Scientific Name without authors ?Original Interpretation, Common Name ?Original Interpretation, USDA Code ?Current Interpretation, full Scientific Name ?Current Interpretation, Scientific Name without authors ?Current Interpretation, Common Name ?Current Interpretation, USDA Code ? Stratum ?Cover ?Original Cover Code ?Basal Area ?Biomass ?Inference Area ? Stems: Stem Diameters (graphically): User-Defined: Original Percent Cover User-Defined: Count of Saplings per Hectare User-Defined: Count of Trees per Hectare User-Defined: Count of Seedlings per Hectare User-Defined: Original Frequency in suplots
1 CALAMAGROSTIS PURPURASCENS Calamagrostis purpurascens R. Br. Calamagrostis purpurascens purple reedgrass CALAMAGROSTIS PURPURASCENS **   Calamagrostis purpurascens R. Br. Calamagrostis purpurascens purple reedgrass CALAMAGROSTIS PURPURASCENS **   Herb
7.52 %
5       -none-
2 TRIFOLIUM NANUM Trifolium nanum Torr. Trifolium nanum dwarf clover TRIFOLIUM NANUM **   Trifolium nanum Torr. Trifolium nanum dwarf clover TRIFOLIUM NANUM **   Herb
2.44 %
4       -none-
3 FRASERA SPECIOSA Frasera speciosa Dougl. ex Griseb. Frasera speciosa elkweed FRASERA SPECIOSA **   Frasera speciosa Dougl. ex Griseb. Frasera speciosa elkweed FRASERA SPECIOSA **   Herb
2.12 %
4       -none-
4 ERIGERON COMPOSITUS Erigeron compositus Pursh Erigeron compositus cutleaf daisy ERIGERON COMPOSITUS **   Erigeron compositus Pursh Erigeron compositus cutleaf daisy ERIGERON COMPOSITUS **   Herb
1.48 %
3       -none-
5 CAREX ROSSII Carex rossii Boott Carex rossii Ross' sedge CAREX ROSSII **   Carex rossii Boott Carex rossii Ross' sedge CAREX ROSSII **   Herb
1.44 %
3       -none-
6 SELAGINELLA DENSA Selaginella densa Rydb. Selaginella densa lesser spikemoss SELAGINELLA DENSA **   Selaginella densa Rydb. Selaginella densa lesser spikemoss SELAGINELLA DENSA **   Herb
1.04 %
3       -none-
7 ARENARIA FENDLERI Arenaria fendleri Gray Arenaria fendleri Fendler's sandwort ARENARIA FENDLERI **   Arenaria fendleri Gray Arenaria fendleri Fendler's sandwort ARENARIA FENDLERI **   Herb
0.96 %
2       -none-
8 POA PATTERSONII Poa pattersonii Vasey Poa pattersonii POA PATTERSONII **   POA PATTERSONII **   Poa pattersonii Vasey Poa pattersonii POA PATTERSONII **   POA PATTERSONII **   Herb
0.8 %
2       -none-
9 ACHILLEA LANULOSA Achillea lanulosa Nutt. Achillea lanulosa ACHILLEA LANULOSA **   ACHILLEA LANULOSA **   Achillea lanulosa Nutt. Achillea lanulosa ACHILLEA LANULOSA **   ACHILLEA LANULOSA **   Herb
0.76 %
2       -none-
10 SEDUM LANCEOLATUM Sedum lanceolatum Torr. Sedum lanceolatum spearleaf stonecrop SEDUM LANCEOLATUM **   Sedum lanceolatum Torr. Sedum lanceolatum spearleaf stonecrop SEDUM LANCEOLATUM **   Herb
0.68 %
2       -none-
11 CAREX FOENEA Carex foenea Willd. Carex foenea dryspike sedge CAREX FOENEA **   Carex foenea Willd. Carex foenea dryspike sedge CAREX FOENEA **   Herb
0.68 %
2       -none-
12 CHRYSOPSIS VILLOSA * Chrysopsis villosa (Pursh) Nutt. ex DC. Chrysopsis villosa CHRYSOPSIS VILLOSA * **   CHRYSOPSIS VILLOSA * **   Chrysopsis villosa (Pursh) Nutt. ex DC. Chrysopsis villosa CHRYSOPSIS VILLOSA * **   CHRYSOPSIS VILLOSA * **   Herb
0.56 %
2       -none-
13 POTENTILLA FISSA Potentilla fissa Nutt. Potentilla fissa bigflower cinquefoil POTENTILLA FISSA **   Potentilla fissa Nutt. Potentilla fissa bigflower cinquefoil POTENTILLA FISSA **   Herb
0.52 %
2       -none-
14 POTENTILLA HIPPIANA Potentilla hippiana Lehm. Potentilla hippiana woolly cinquefoil POTENTILLA HIPPIANA **   Potentilla hippiana Lehm. Potentilla hippiana woolly cinquefoil POTENTILLA HIPPIANA **   Herb
0.52 %
2       -none-
15 CASTILLEJA PUBERULA Castilleja puberula Rydb. Castilleja puberula shortflower Indian paintbrush CASTILLEJA PUBERULA **   Castilleja puberula Rydb. Castilleja puberula shortflower Indian paintbrush CASTILLEJA PUBERULA **   Herb
0.4 %
2       -none-
16 POTENTILLA NIVEA Potentilla nivea L. Potentilla nivea snow cinquefoil POTENTILLA NIVEA **   Potentilla nivea L. Potentilla nivea snow cinquefoil POTENTILLA NIVEA **   Herb
0.4 %
2       -none-
17 ANTENNARIA ROSEA Antennaria rosea Greene Antennaria rosea rosy pussytoes ANTENNARIA ROSEA **   Antennaria rosea Greene Antennaria rosea rosy pussytoes ANTENNARIA ROSEA **   Herb
0.36 %
2       -none-
18 SOLIDAGO SPATHULATA Solidago spathulata DC. Solidago spathulata SOLIDAGO SPATHULATA **   SOLIDAGO SPATHULATA **   Solidago spathulata DC. Solidago spathulata SOLIDAGO SPATHULATA **   SOLIDAGO SPATHULATA **   Herb
0.24 %
2       -none-
19 FRAGARIA VESCA * Fragaria vesca L. Fragaria vesca woodland strawberry FRAGARIA VESCA * **   Fragaria vesca L. Fragaria vesca woodland strawberry FRAGARIA VESCA * **   Herb
0.2 %
2       -none-
20 POA INTERIOR * Poa nemoralis L. ssp. interior (Rydb.) W.A. Weber Poa nemoralis ssp. interior inland bluegrass POA INTERIOR * **   Poa nemoralis L. ssp. interior (Rydb.) W.A. Weber Poa nemoralis ssp. interior inland bluegrass POA INTERIOR * **   Herb
0.2 %
2       -none-
21 PENSTEMON ALPINUS Penstemon alpinus Torr. Penstemon alpinus PENSTEMON ALPINUS **   PENSTEMON ALPINUS **   Penstemon alpinus Torr. Penstemon alpinus PENSTEMON ALPINUS **   PENSTEMON ALPINUS **   Herb
0.2 %
2       -none-
22 PULSATILLA PATENS Pulsatilla patens (L.) P. Mill. Pulsatilla patens American pasqueflower PULSATILLA PATENS **   Pulsatilla patens (L.) P. Mill. Pulsatilla patens American pasqueflower PULSATILLA PATENS **   Herb
0.16 %
2       -none-
23 PENSTEMON VIRENS Penstemon virens Pennell ex Rydb. Penstemon virens Front Range beardtongue PENSTEMON VIRENS **   Penstemon virens Pennell ex Rydb. Penstemon virens Front Range beardtongue PENSTEMON VIRENS **   Herb
0.16 %
2       -none-
24 PHACELIA SERICEA Phacelia sericea (Graham) Gray Phacelia sericea silky phacelia PHACELIA SERICEA **   Phacelia sericea (Graham) Gray Phacelia sericea silky phacelia PHACELIA SERICEA **   Herb
0.12 %
2       -none-
25 EPILOBIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM Epilobium angustifolium L. Epilobium angustifolium EPILOBIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM **   EPILOBIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM **   Epilobium angustifolium L. Epilobium angustifolium EPILOBIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM **   EPILOBIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM **   Herb
0.12 %
2       -none-
26 DRABA STREPTOCARPA Draba streptocarpa Gray Draba streptocarpa pretty draba DRABA STREPTOCARPA **   Draba streptocarpa Gray Draba streptocarpa pretty draba DRABA STREPTOCARPA **   Herb
0.12 %
2       -none-
27 GEUM ROSSII Geum rossii (R. Br.) Ser. Geum rossii Ross' avens GEUM ROSSII **   Geum rossii (R. Br.) Ser. Geum rossii Ross' avens GEUM ROSSII **   Herb
0.08 %
1       -none-
28 ARENARIA OBTUSILOBA * Arenaria obtusiloba (Rydb.) Fern. Arenaria obtusiloba ARENARIA OBTUSILOBA * **   ARENARIA OBTUSILOBA * **   Arenaria obtusiloba (Rydb.) Fern. Arenaria obtusiloba ARENARIA OBTUSILOBA * **   ARENARIA OBTUSILOBA * **   Herb
0.05 %
1       -none-
29 CIRCIUM COLORADENSE Cirsium coloradense (Rydb.) Cockerell Cirsium coloradense CIRCIUM COLORADENSE **   CIRCIUM COLORADENSE **   Cirsium coloradense (Rydb.) Cockerell Cirsium coloradense CIRCIUM COLORADENSE **   CIRCIUM COLORADENSE **   Herb
0.05 %
1       -none-
30 BOTRYCHIUM LUNARIA Botrychium lunaria (L.) Sw. Botrychium lunaria common moonwort BOTRYCHIUM LUNARIA **   Botrychium lunaria (L.) Sw. Botrychium lunaria common moonwort BOTRYCHIUM LUNARIA **   Herb
0.05 %
1       -none-
31 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN **   Plantae Plants UNKNOWN **   UNKNOWN **   Plantae Plants UNKNOWN **   Herb
0.05 %
1       -none-
32 DRABA AUREA Draba aurea Vahl ex Hornem. Draba aurea golden draba DRABA AUREA **   Draba aurea Vahl ex Hornem. Draba aurea golden draba DRABA AUREA **   Herb
0.05 %
1       -none-
33 SENECIO FENDLERI Senecio fendleri Gray Senecio fendleri SENECIO FENDLERI **   SENECIO FENDLERI **   Senecio fendleri Gray Senecio fendleri SENECIO FENDLERI **   SENECIO FENDLERI **   Herb
0.04 %
1       -none-
34 ERYSIMUM ASPERUM Erysimum asperum (Nutt.) DC. Erysimum asperum ERYSIMUM ASPERUM **   ERYSIMUM ASPERUM **   Erysimum asperum (Nutt.) DC. Erysimum asperum ERYSIMUM ASPERUM **   ERYSIMUM ASPERUM **   Herb
0.04 %
1       -none-
35 ERIGERON SP. Erigeron L. Erigeron fleabane ERIGERON SP. **   Erigeron L. Erigeron fleabane ERIGERON SP. **   Herb
0.04 %
1       -none-
36 THLASPI MONTANUM Thlaspi montanum L. Thlaspi montanum alpine pennycress THLASPI MONTANUM **   Thlaspi montanum L. Thlaspi montanum alpine pennycress THLASPI MONTANUM **   Herb
0.04 %
1       -none-
37 JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS Juniperus communis L. Juniperus communis common juniper JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS **   Juniperus communis L. Juniperus communis common juniper JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS **   Shrub
3 %
4       -none-
38 PINUS FLEXILIS Pinus flexilis James Pinus flexilis limber pine PINUS FLEXILIS **   Pinus flexilis James Pinus flexilis limber pine PINUS FLEXILIS **   Tree
28.8 %
7 16.89355 m²/ha     -none-
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