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Table Field DB Field Name Req'd? Data Type Misc Flag List? Definition
Disturbance Observation Observation OBSERVATION_ID required Integer FK no Link to the observation event with which this report of a disturbance event is associated.
Disturbance Observation Disturbance Type disturbanceType required varchar (30) n/a closed The type of disturbance being reported
Disturbance Observation Disturbance Intensity disturbanceIntensity no varchar (30) n/a closed Intensity or degree of the disturbance.
Disturbance Observation Disturbance Age disturbanceAge no Float n/a no Estimated time in years since the disturbance event.
Disturbance Observation Disturbance Extent disturbanceExtent no Float n/a no Percent of the plot that experienced the event.
Disturbance Observation Disturbance Comment disturbanceComment no text n/a no Text description of details of the disturbance and its impact on the vegetation.
Graphic ID GRAPHIC_ID no serial PK no Database generated identifier assigned to each unique graphic idem.
Graphic Observation OBSERVATION_ID required Integer FK no Link from a graphic file to a specific plot observation.
Graphic Graphic Name graphicName no varchar (30) n/a no Name of the graphic file.
Graphic Graphic Location graphicLocation no text n/a no Where the graphic is located, if not in the database

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