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Table Field DB Field Name Req'd? Data Type Misc Flag List? Definition
Note Role ROLE_ID required Integer FK no What role was the party playing when the note was applied?
Note Note Date noteDate no Date n/a no The date on which the note was stored in the database.
Note Note Type noteType required varchar (20) n/a closed The type of note: Database Management, Observation Author, Database User and Internal. "Database Management" notes are those added by the management team and may be queried and viewed by the public. "Database Use" notes are those entered by the users of the database and are publicly viewable. "Internal" notes are for management to use internally and will not be broadcast.
Note Note Text noteText required text n/a no The text of the note.
Note Accession Code accessionCode no varchar (100) n/a no Code that uniquely references this record, allowing reference to this record for this version of this database. Better than a primary key, which is automatically generated by a database and not globally unique. VegBank Accession codes are only generated by VegBank, and therefore data integrity can be guaranteed, unlike with a primary key (number).
Note Link ID NOTELINK_ID no serial PK no Database generated identifier assigned to each unique noteLink.
Note Link Table Name tableName required varchar (50) n/a no Name of the table that the note is associated with.
Note Link Attribute Name attributeName no varchar (50) n/a no Name of the attribute in the table (stored in tableName) that the note is associated with.
Note Link Table Record tableRecord required Integer n/a no The record number (row) containing the value with which the note is associated (which translates to the primary key value for the table wherein the record is stored).
Observation OBSERVATION ID OBSERVATION_ID no serial PK no Database generated identifier assigned to each unique plot observation.

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