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You searched for plots: With the plant: Erigeron eximius Greene [USDA Plants 2002]

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Plot #21
United States

» Details...
» Salix wolfii Salix wolfii Bebb Salix wolfii Salix wolfii** Wolf's willow Salix wolfii Bebb Salix wolfii Salix wolfii** Wolf's willow (50%)
» Salix planifolia Salix planifolia Pursh Salix planifolia Salix planifolia** diamondleaf willow Salix planifolia Pursh Salix planifolia Salix planifolia** diamondleaf willow (20%)
» Fragaria virginiana ssp. glauca Fragaria virginiana Duchesne ssp. glauca (S. Wats.) Staudt Fragaria virginiana ssp. glauca Fragaria virginiana ssp. glauca** Virginia strawberry Fragaria virginiana Duchesne ssp. glauca (S. Wats.) Staudt Fragaria virginiana ssp. glauca Fragaria virginiana ssp. glauca** Virginia strawberry (10%)
» Caltha leptosepala Caltha leptosepala DC. Caltha leptosepala Caltha leptosepala** white marsh marigold Caltha leptosepala DC. Caltha leptosepala Caltha leptosepala** white marsh marigold (10%)
» Ligusticum tenuifolium Ligusticum tenuifolium S. Wats. Ligusticum tenuifolium Ligusticum tenuifolium** Idaho licorice-root Ligusticum tenuifolium S. Wats. Ligusticum tenuifolium Ligusticum tenuifolium** Idaho licorice-root (10%)
» Salix wolfii / Mesic Forbs Wet Shrubland

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records 21 through 21 of 21