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records 1426 through 1450 of 28336

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Plant #1426
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Symphyotrichum pilosum var. pilosum  Flora of Virginia 2012  11   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:96133-{2B843013-840C-46F4-B214-DD7833B790F7} 
Plant #1427
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Streptopus lanceolatus  Flora of Virginia 2012  11   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:96099-{E05E5C05-4C8E-4A7F-986B-8E60AEEDE538} 
Plant #1428
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Stewartia malacodendron  Flora of Virginia 2012  11   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:96094-{CBC836A2-3079-4D48-B539-7051B3A7CEDD} 
Plant #1429
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Spirodela polyrrhiza  Flora of Virginia 2012  11   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:96060-{ABE9C9F7-CE74-4483-8764-16C7EEBAD96C} 
Plant #1430
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Sphenopholis intermedia  Weakley Jan 1, 2006  11   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:25296-{736CDCF3-CFCC-42F6-A647-2251B064ACD3} 
Plant #1431
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Sparganium emersum Rehmann  USDA Plants 2002  11   VB.PC.54175.SPARGANIUMEMERS 
Plant #1432
details Sphaerophorus globosus (Hudson) Vainio  USDA Plants 2002  11   VB.PC.54327.SPHAEROPHORUSGL 
Plant #1433
details Sphagnum flavicomans (Card.) Warnst.  USDA Plants 2002  11   VB.PC.54371.SPHAGNUMFLAVICO 
Plant #1434
details Sphagnum wulfianum Girg.  USDA Plants 2002  11   VB.PC.54437.SPHAGNUMWULFIAN 
Plant #1435
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Stipa nelsonii Scribn.  USDA Plants 2002  11   VB.PC.55152.STIPANELSONIISC 
Plant #1436
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Saxifragaceae  Weakley Jan 1, 2006  11   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:28678-{26FF175C-7E3A-45F3-88C1-57E7F2A8B379} 
Plant #1437
details Sagittaria cuneata Sheldon  USDA Plants 2002  11   VB.PC.50966.SAGITTARIACUNEA 
Plant #1438
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Symphyotrichum novi-belgii  Weakley Jan 1, 2006  10   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:26912-{C7039EE9-927C-4772-97D9-E12BBD1CDE8C} 
Plant #1439
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Silphium terebinthinaceum  Weakley Jan 1, 2006  10   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:25105-{5B403DF8-5021-47CF-9A92-248BDEAC628D} 
Plant #1440
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Sericocarpus linifolius  Flora of Virginia 2012  10   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:95908-{A4B5C6F7-D9AA-415C-856F-E0540312C559} 
Plant #1441
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Senna marilandica  Flora of Virginia 2012  10   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:95904-{011F8DAB-A8F6-4B05-A79F-CB221D747574} 
Plant #1442
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Scleria pauciflora  Virginia Division of Natural Heritage Plots Database 2015  10   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:96521-{202746DF-3AC5-4D00-BD87-9781184FE71B} 
Plant #1443
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Sagittaria subulata  Flora of Virginia 2012  10   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:95802-{1E5889AD-69CF-4917-93E8-C438E993CC46} 
Plant #1444
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Symphyotrichum dumosum var. strictior  Flora of Virginia 2012  10   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:96118-{FE59E6AF-DFCF-4A99-94A7-495973AB7BEC} 
Plant #1445
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Stachys tenuifolia  Flora of Virginia 2012  10   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:96081-{C6E782DC-97BC-4243-A2B3-D213B2A79EB9} 
Plant #1446
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Solidago puberula var. puberula  Flora of Virginia 2012  10   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:95997-{3C2B6C9F-03A4-4F99-9A4F-D84FBE270C03} 
Plant #1447
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Solidago pinetorum  Flora of Virginia 2012  10   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:95996-{2D032941-DEF7-4316-A2A8-47194622AF8C} 
Plant #1448
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Saxifraga  Weakley Jan 1, 2006  10   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:28677-{B398ACB6-2DE1-4317-B7EC-15D24A605ABD} 
Plant #1449
details Spiranthes cernua (L.) L.C. Rich.  USDA Plants 2002  10   VB.PC.54519.SPIRANTHESCERNU 
Plant #1450
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Salix lanata L. ssp. richardsonii (Hook.) Skvort.  USDA Plants 2002  10   VB.PC.65991.SALIXLANATALSSP 

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