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records 1201 through 1225 of 11556

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Plant #1201
details Desmanthus virgatus (L.) Willd. var. acuminatus (Benth.) Isely  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.77954.DESMANTHUSVIRGA 
Plant #1202
details Dudleya cymosa (Lem.) Britt. & Rose ssp. pumila K. Nakai  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.63149.DUDLEYACYMOSALE 
Plant #1203
details Dioscorea dumetorum (Kunth) Pax  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.23449.DIOSCOREADUMETO 
Plant #1204
details Digitalis lanata Ehrh.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.23323.DIGITALISLANATA 
Plant #1205
details Digitalis ferruginea L.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.23321.DIGITALISFERRUG 
Plant #1206
details Digitalis grandiflora P. Mill.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.23322.DIGITALISGRANDI 
Plant #1207
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Digitalis orientalis P. Mill.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.23325.DIGITALISORIENT 
Plant #1208
details Desmatodon heimii (Hedw.) Mitt. var. arctica (Lindb.) Crum  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.77958.DESMATODONHEIMI 
Plant #1209
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Dasystephana  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.692.DASYSTEPHANA 
Plant #1210
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Desmatodon heimii (Hedw.) Mitt. var. obtusifolius (R. Br.) Kuc  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.77960.DESMATODONHEIMI 
Plant #1211
details Digitaria abyssinica (A. Rich.) Stapf  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.23327.DIGITARIAABYSSI 
Plant #1212
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Digitaria albicoma Swallen  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.23329.DIGITARIAALBICO 
Plant #1213
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Digitaria adscendens (Kunth) Henr.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.23328.DIGITARIAADSCEN 
Plant #1214
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Desmodium angustifolium (Kunth) DC. var. gramineum (Gray) Schub.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.77962.DESMODIUMANGUST 
Plant #1215
details Desmodium axillare (Sw.) DC. var. acutifolium (Kuntze) Urban  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.77963.DESMODIUMAXILLA 
Plant #1216
details Ditrichum rhynchostegium Kindb.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.23723.DITRICHUMRHYNCH 
Plant #1217
details Digitaria arenicola (Swallen) Beetle  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.23330.DIGITARIAARENIC 
Plant #1218
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Desmodium axillare (Sw.) DC. var. obtusifolium (Kuntze) Urban  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.77965.DESMODIUMAXILLA 
Plant #1219
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Desmodium axillare (Sw.) DC. var. sintenisii Urban  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.77966.DESMODIUMAXILLA 
Plant #1220
details Dudleya pulverulenta (Nutt.) Britt. & Rose ssp. arizonica (Rose) Moran  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.63152.DUDLEYAPULVERUL 
Plant #1221
details Desmodium axillare (Sw.) DC. var. stoloniferum (L.C. Rich. ex Poir.) Schub.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.77967.DESMODIUMAXILLA 
Plant #1222
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Drymaria cordata (L.) Willd. ex J.A. Schultes var. cordata  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.68607.DRYMARIACORDATA 
Plant #1223
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Desmodium bracteosum (Michx.) DC. var. longifolium (Torr. & Gray) B.L. Robins.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.77968.DESMODIUMBRACTE 
Plant #1224
details Dudleya saxosa (M.E. Jones) Britt. & Rose ssp. aloides (Rose) Moran  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.63154.DUDLEYASAXOSAME 
Plant #1225
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Delphinium amabile Tidestrom ssp. pallidum (Munz) Ewan  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.62925.DELPHINIUMAMABI 

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records 1201 through 1225 of 11556

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