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Plant #1701
details Gladiolus L.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.3711.GLADIOLUSL 
Plant #1702
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Galium brandegeei Gray p.p.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.28023.GALIUMBRANDEGEE 
Plant #1703
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gilia leptomeria Gray ssp. leptomeria  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.60629.GILIALEPTOMERIA 
Plant #1704
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gerardia virginica (L.) B.S.P.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.28542.GERARDIAVIRGINI 
Plant #1705
details Glinus lotoides L.  USDA Plants 2002  1   VB.PC.28777.GLINUSLOTOIDESL 
Plant #1706
details Gilia nyensis Reveal  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.28668.GILIANYENSISREV 
Plant #1707
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Galium asperrimum Gray var. asperrimum  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.69057.GALIUMASPERRIMU 
Plant #1708
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Grammitis trifurcata (L.) Copeland  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.29108.GRAMMITISTRIFUR 
Plant #1709
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Govenia liliacea Lindl.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.29063.GOVENIALILIACEA 
Plant #1710
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gyrophora polyrrhiza (L.) Korber  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.29568.GYROPHORAPOLYRR 
Plant #1711
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Galium texanum (Torr. & Gray) Wieg., non Scheele  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.28121.GALIUMTEXANUMTO 
Plant #1712
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Galactia floridana Torr. & Gray var. longiracemosa Vail  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.80177.GALACTIAFLORIDA 
Plant #1713
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Galium aparine L. var. echinospermum (Wallr.) Farw.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.80202.GALIUMAPARINELV 
Plant #1714
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gerardia pedicularia L. var. austromontana (Pennell) Fern.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.80417.GERARDIAPEDICUL 
Plant #1715
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Galium texanum Scheele  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.28122.GALIUMTEXANUMSC 
Plant #1716
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Galium rotundifolium L. var. lanceolatum (Torr.) Kuntze  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.80271.GALIUMROTUNDIFO 
Plant #1717
details Gladiolus ×colvillei Sweet  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.80499.GLADIOLUSCOLVIL 
Plant #1718
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Godetia dudleyana Abrams var. brandegeeae Jepson  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.80554.GODETIADUDLEYAN 
Plant #1719
details Graphis poitaeoides Nyl.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.29175.GRAPHISPOITAEOI 
Plant #1720
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Glycine apios L.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.28829.GLYCINEAPIOSL 
Plant #1721
details Garcinia kola Heckel  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.28165.GARCINIAKOLAHEC 
Plant #1722
details Gahnia beecheyi Mann  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.27895.GAHNIABEECHEYIM 
Plant #1723
details Graphis pavoniana Fee  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.29173.GRAPHISPAVONIAN 
Plant #1724
details Guzmania lingulata (L.) Mez  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.29463.GUZMANIALINGULA 
Plant #1725
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Galium torreyi Bigelow  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.28125.GALIUMTORREYIBI 

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