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records 1726 through 1750 of 2389

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Plant #1726
details Jatropha gossypiifolia L. var. gossypiifolia  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81662.JATROPHAGOSSYPI 
Plant #1727
details Jatropha hernandiifolia Vent. var. hernandiifolia  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81663.JATROPHAHERNAND 
Plant #1728
details Jatropha hernandiifolia Vent. var. portoricensis (Millsp.) Urban  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81664.JATROPHAHERNAND 
Plant #1729
details Jatropha integerrima Jacq. var. hastata (Jacq.) Fosberg  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81665.JATROPHAINTEGER 
Plant #1730
details Jatropha integerrima Jacq. var. integerrima  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81666.JATROPHAINTEGER 
Plant #1731
details Jatropha macrorhiza Benth. var. septemfida Engelm.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81667.JATROPHAMACRORH 
Plant #1732
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Juglans californica S. Wats. var. hindsii Jepson  USDA Plants 2002  134   VB.PC.81669.JUGLANSCALIFORN 
Plant #1733
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Juglans microcarpa Berl. var. major (Torr.) L. Benson  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81671.JUGLANSMICROCAR 
Plant #1734
details Juglans microcarpa Berl. var. stewartii (I.M. Johnston) W. Manning  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81673.JUGLANSMICROCAR 
Plant #1735
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Juglans rupestris Engelm. ex Torr. var. major Torr.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81675.JUGLANSRUPESTRI 
Plant #1736
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Juncus acuminatus Michx. var. robustus Engelm.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81676.JUNCUSACUMINATU 
Plant #1737
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Juncus acutus L. var. sphaerocarpus Engelm.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81677.JUNCUSACUTUSLVA 
Plant #1738
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Juncus alpinus Vill. var. fuscescens Fern.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81679.JUNCUSALPINUSVI 
Plant #1739
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Juncus alpinus Vill. var. rariflorus Hartman  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81680.JUNCUSALPINUSVI 
Plant #1740
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Juncus arcticus Willd. var. alaskanus (Hultén) Welsh  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81682.JUNCUSARCTICUSW 
Plant #1741
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Juncus saximontanus A. Nels. var. robustior M.E. Peck  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81761.JUNCUSSAXIMONTA 
Plant #1742
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Juncus scirpoides Lam. var. compositus Harper  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81762.JUNCUSSCIRPOIDE 
Plant #1743
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Juncus scirpoides Lam. var. meridionalis Buch.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81763.JUNCUSSCIRPOIDE 
Plant #1744
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Juncus stygius L. var. americanus Buch.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81765.JUNCUSSTYGIUSLV 
Plant #1745
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Juncus tenuis Willd. var. anthelatus Wieg.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81766.JUNCUSTENUISWIL 
Plant #1746
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Juncus tenuis Willd. var. congestus Engelm.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81767.JUNCUSTENUISWIL 
Plant #1747
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Juncus tenuis Willd. var. dudleyi (Wieg.) F.J. Herm.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81768.JUNCUSTENUISWIL 
Plant #1748
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Juncus tenuis Willd. var. multicornis E. Mey.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81769.JUNCUSTENUISWIL 
Plant #1749
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Juncus tenuis Willd. var. platyphyllus (Wieg.) F.J. Herm.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81770.JUNCUSTENUISWIL 
Plant #1750
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Juncus tenuis Willd. var. uniflorus auct. p.p., non Farw.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.81771.JUNCUSTENUISWIL 

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