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Plant #276
details Farnoldia micropsis  USDA Plants 2015  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{6806433D-95E9-4D26-A80C-7C1BB4756E86} 
Plant #277
details Farnoldia micropsis (A. Massal.) Hertel  USDA Plants 2011  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{96A326B8-38EB-4B42-B36D-073A23F6444E} 
Plant #278
details Farnoldia micropsis (A. Massal.) Hertel  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.27145.FARNOLDIAMICROP 
Plant #279
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Fatoua  Weakley 2015  0   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:194417-{DE252396-D802-49FF-B8B7-7C1E582AB968} 
Plant #280
details Fatoua  USDA Plants 2015  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{08AC85AF-F2CF-4788-9D48-01FB8E48053F} 
Plant #281
details Fatoua Gaud.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.3581.FATOUAGAUD 
Plant #282
details Fatoua Gaudich.  USDA Plants 2011  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{CCD83DC4-B12E-46DB-9D28-122E49EA557F} 
Plant #283
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Fatoua villosa  Weakley 2015  0   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:194407-{FB8F124E-9299-4D08-AA63-0458E18EB9A1} 
Plant #284
details Fatoua villosa  USDA Plants 2015  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{123A2C0F-578E-4CE8-B52A-8F7B7529F945} 
Plant #285
details Fatoua villosa (Thunb.) Nakai  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.27146.FATOUAVILLOSATH 
Plant #286
details Fatoua villosa (Thunb.) Nakai  USDA Plants 2011  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{552C75D9-B398-4946-BC20-20B944A4ACD6} 
Plant #287
details Fatsia  USDA Plants 2015  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{A57FA343-C49D-4537-871D-C7C60930F802} 
Plant #288
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Fatsia  Weakley 2015  0   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:198948-{CDA44BA4-881E-461B-A263-E756A69EFC74} 
Plant #289
details Fatsia Decne. & Planch.  USDA Plants 2011  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{41B75B5B-B099-4042-B84A-EF2323E3EE9B} 
Plant #290
details Fatsia Decne. & Planchon  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.3582.FATSIADECNEPLAN 
Plant #291
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Fatsia horrida  USDA Plants 2015  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{8015A7B1-DEF4-4853-958F-C0CB6EBB8B26} 
Plant #292
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Fatsia horrida (Sm.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex W.H. Brewer & S. Watson  USDA Plants 2011  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{ED973024-4D50-4AA5-9AA1-7C1606FCCAEF} 
Plant #293
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Fatsia horrida (Smith) Benth. & Hook. f. ex Brewer & S. Watson  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.27147.FATSIAHORRIDASM 
Plant #294
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Fatsia japonica  Weakley 2015  0   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:198949-{B96BA050-69C0-4A7A-8B42-880E55845B9F} 
Plant #295
details Fatsia japonica  USDA Plants 2015  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{C821A86D-B2EA-47D1-9404-ECE90A4AEEC8} 
Plant #296
details Fatsia japonica (Thunb.) Decne. & Planch.  USDA Plants 2011  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{51DC6705-B0AD-4F64-8472-88166B99CE37} 
Plant #297
details Fatsia japonica (Thunb.) Decne. & Planchon  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.27148.FATSIAJAPONICAT 
Plant #298
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Fauria  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.842.FAURIA 
Plant #299
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Fauria crista-galli  USDA Plants 2015  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{6CDEA570-D8FA-4B9E-BA42-B883C20A474B} 
Plant #300
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Fauria crista-galli (Menzies ex Hook.) Makino  USDA Plants 2011  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{6D3FAFA6-4705-44F1-97AE-C28FC610DB61} 

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