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Plant #26
details Gyrostomum scyphuliferum  USDA Plants 2015  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{5A02C311-A9A3-4B40-AB62-83CE7DD40CFC} 
Plant #27
details Gyrostomum Fr.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.3813.GYROSTOMUMFR 
Plant #28
details Gyrostomum Fr.  USDA Plants 2011  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{45063D20-105D-4576-A0C7-E48DFB22A776} 
Plant #29
details Gyrostomum  USDA Plants 2015  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{7B438B04-5C97-4501-A2B7-75B6E64BCAB2} 
Plant #30
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gyrophora vellea (L.) Ach.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.29569.GYROPHORAVELLEA 
Plant #31
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gyrophora vellea (L.) Ach.  USDA Plants 2011  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{7442BE0F-E945-4E0D-B098-E1B3C737F622} 
Plant #32
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gyrophora vellea  USDA Plants 2015  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{67E3917D-3694-43AC-B8B8-8D76262517CB} 
Plant #33
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gyrophora polyrrhiza (L.) Korber  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.29568.GYROPHORAPOLYRR 
Plant #34
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gyrophora polyrrhiza (L.) Körb.  USDA Plants 2011  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{0FF3619F-E9B4-45B0-9DF4-3351D7F20F6F} 
Plant #35
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gyrophora polyrrhiza  USDA Plants 2015  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{EBCB51BD-E210-42FB-BF68-CFCC1596A6B4} 
Plant #36
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gyrophora polyphylla (L.) Fink  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.29567.GYROPHORAPOLYPH 
Plant #37
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gyrophora polyphylla (L.) Fink  USDA Plants 2011  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{4206DCAD-0872-4384-AE0D-6C2B1BF5F67A} 
Plant #38
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gyrophora polyphylla  USDA Plants 2015  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{0B56B0C5-7802-479A-9BC3-4B1340F44C48} 
Plant #39
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gyrophora phaea (Tuck.) Nyl.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.29566.GYROPHORAPHAEAT 
Plant #40
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gyrophora phaea (Tuck.) Nyl.  USDA Plants 2011  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{6C4F8331-5E72-4174-A3B6-6B82D289E41D} 
Plant #41
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gyrophora phaea  USDA Plants 2015  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{33C4AFDF-4266-49D8-B027-79B3FAF96007} 
Plant #42
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gyrophora muehlenbergii Ach.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.29565.GYROPHORAMUEHLE 
Plant #43
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gyrophora muehlenbergii Ach.  USDA Plants 2011  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{6EEBD614-0A32-4B35-866D-540DBADE25B7} 
Plant #44
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gyrophora muehlenbergii  USDA Plants 2015  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{F18D55E1-2888-4194-BC7A-31AD62E44565} 
Plant #45
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gyrophora hyperborea Ach.  USDA Plants 2011  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{8A3C4A88-B16B-4E50-B3AB-FF99E1DE4A32} 
Plant #46
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gyrophora hyperborea Ach.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.29564.GYROPHORAHYPERB 
Plant #47
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gyrophora hyperborea  USDA Plants 2015  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{2DD81D5D-8030-4E01-BCD4-FBE1851EAC82} 
Plant #48
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gyrophora erosa (G. Weber) Ach.  USDA Plants 2011  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{87192E38-70FF-461E-91C4-524117352E9F} 
Plant #49
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gyrophora erosa (G. Weber) Ach.  USDA Plants 2002  0   VB.PC.29563.GYROPHORAEROSAG 
Plant #50
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Gyrophora erosa  USDA Plants 2015  0   urn:lsid:vegbank.org:plantconcept:{6A667054-579A-4BEB-B60C-A3CFF3F71224} 

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