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records 51 through 75 of 12342

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Plant #51
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Heuchera villosa var. villosa  Flora of Virginia 2012  49   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94669-{F2839EE2-59CF-444F-ABF2-FE7CE65EAAA1} 
Plant #52
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Hieracium caespitosum  Flora of Virginia 2012  21   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94684-{375EF0D7-5294-45BB-93AF-D0901F915E1A} 
Plant #53
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Huperzia appressa  Flora of Virginia 2012  5   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94710-{78EFB3ED-7309-427F-A47C-7C5C06648D13} 
Plant #54
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Hibiscus moscheutos  Flora of Virginia 2012  219   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94680-{15A5E75E-B80D-4E78-AEE5-B7480BCDFA68} 
Plant #55
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Hedeoma pulegioides  Flora of Virginia 2012  102   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94626-{911766D4-5FF1-4E8B-A439-5C7E88B62CB2} 
Plant #56
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Hamamelis virginiana var. virginiana  Flora of Virginia 2012  749   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94624-{60F3F275-EE94-4574-86CE-DF5788C42AB7} 
Plant #57
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Helianthus decapetalus  Flora of Virginia 2012  51   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94636-{FA10B72B-0C34-4D76-9601-62040D5150C8} 
Plant #58
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Hypoxis hirsuta  Flora of Virginia 2012  71   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94764-{F3115875-1742-4BE0-8643-4F09452C9353} 
Plant #59
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Helianthus angustifolius  Flora of Virginia 2012  1   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94633-{99B4B2CD-A904-4508-A3E3-960685D021AF} 
Plant #60
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Helenium virginicum  Flora of Virginia 2012  11   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94632-{6D93BFCB-4B91-4EBB-88F8-35A91646D970} 
Plant #61
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Helenium brevifolium  Flora of Virginia 2012  13   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94630-{1597F2E1-B800-4526-A1A0-2CCF0C5C2FAF} 
Plant #62
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Helenium autumnale  Flora of Virginia 2012  30   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94629-{7DB6DDE7-B4B2-4CA0-A70C-360AC2AEC57C} 
Plant #63
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Houstonia caerulea  Flora of Virginia 2012  126   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94699-{7D25F0DF-0C95-4A83-9D65-242031916151} 
Plant #64
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Humulus japonicus  Flora of Virginia 2012  22   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94708-{B1E071FB-05E2-4476-8A0A-4B0252A8C2F2} 
Plant #65
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Hibiscus laevis  Flora of Virginia 2012  40   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94679-{B58B1B5A-FDBD-49CD-8BFD-1C08618C3335} 
Plant #66
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Hexastylis minor  Flora of Virginia 2012  3   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94676-{207C866E-7DB1-457A-9523-7A7FF48774C6} 
Plant #67
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Hackelia virginiana  Flora of Virginia 2012  22   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94622-{A6688681-21F1-44ED-BABB-A14ADEC5E0A7} 
Plant #68
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Halesia tetraptera  Flora of Virginia 2012  2   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94623-{58ABFAA1-6ED4-42FC-BE46-369D4B55A214} 
Plant #69
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Huperzia lucidula  Flora of Virginia 2012  51   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94711-{D0E4282E-4D3C-4F6F-A8F1-8F92B9E58F6B} 
Plant #70
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Hieracium venosum  Flora of Virginia 2012  179   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94691-{96B0338F-07E5-4874-BECB-CDC9FED71840} 
Plant #71
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Heuchera hispida  Flora of Virginia 2012  3   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94665-{26AE3601-E086-4CF9-AEC0-382716CA994E} 
Plant #72
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Hudsonia tomentosa  Flora of Virginia 2012  33   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94707-{FD31BF87-CCC9-48CF-B89E-3E7D763391DB} 
Plant #73
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Heuchera americana  Flora of Virginia 2012  236   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94663-{DF86D1B5-9B48-4DA9-8701-4D2C721C61B7} 
Plant #74
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Houstonia tenuifolia  Flora of Virginia 2012  13   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94706-{77E8954E-EE4C-4D1D-A2A7-8D4BEE8E5E4F} 
Plant #75
details NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED Heterotheca subaxillaris  Flora of Virginia 2012  2   urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:plantConcept:94661-{CCB7A24D-9FE9-4B4C-9E1F-B322AF779D23} 

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