VegBranch help
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Help for 'Load Data Overview'

in progress: (screen shot of 'Load Data Overview')

This form shows an overview of what the loading tables are, so that you may learn about them to determine which tables your data should be loaded into.

Notice that, at the left, you can select which type of loading table you would like to work with or learn about (e.g. Plot Group, Plant Group, etc.). Within each group you can select which table to work with, and for each table, you can see a summary, a detailed description, or see whether that table is required. Using the buttons in the lower right, you can also view each loading table in the data dictionary, which provides detailed information about each field within the table, or you can view the data in Access table format by clicking "View Table". You can also see a diagram of all the loading tables in VegBranch by clicking the button in the upper left.