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» Citation URL: http://vegbank.org/cite/VB.Ob.5474.YOSE99K139
» Citing info
Plot ID Fields: 
Author Plot Code ? YOSE.99K139
Author Observation Code ? YOSE.99K139
Location Fields: MAP: Google | Yahoo | TopoZone | MapQuest
Confidentiality Status ? exact location
Latitude ? 37.760203116 º
Longitude ? -119.771221845 º
Author Location ? YOSE -- Tioga Rd, near Gin Flat
Location Narrative ? Take Tioga Road approx. 5 miles east of Yosemite Institute. Plot is in a small depression with a meadow on the east side of road.
State or Province ? California
Country ? United States
Named Places
quadrangle: Ackerson Mountain
area|country|territory: United States
region|state|province: California
Layout Fields: 
Shape ? Square
Area ? 100
Permanence ? permanent plot
Environment Fields: 
Elevation ? 2086.0511968292 m
Slope Aspect ? 45 º
Slope Gradient ? 2.5 º
Topographic Position ? Basin floor
Landform ? hills
Surficial Deposits ? Organic Deposits: Muck
Rock Type ? igneous, unspecified
Representativeness ? Assoc: Plot appears to fit description given in Halpern. Eleocharis may be 10-15% lower cover than
Hydrologic Regime ? Seasonally flooded
Soil Drainage ? very poorly drained
Soil Depth ? 0 m
Percent Bedrock ? 0 %
Percent Rock / Gravel ? 0 %
Percent Wood ? 0 %
Percent Litter ? 20 %
Percent Bare Soil ? 70 %
Percent Water ? 10 %
Percent Other ? 0 %
Methods Fields: 
Observation Start Date ? 23-Aug-1999
Observation End Date ? 23-Aug-1999
Project ? Yosemite National Park
Cover Method ? NPS CoverMethod
Stratum Method ? National Park Service
Stem Size Limit ? 10 cm
Taxon Observation Area ? 100
Cover Dispersion ? contiguous
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated? ? yes
Stem Sample Method ? full census
Plot Quality Fields: 
Effort Level ? Thorough
Plot Validation Level ? (2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
Floristic Quality ? High but incomplete
Bryophyte Quality ? Very incomplete
Lichen Quality ? Very incomplete
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields: 
--no data--
Misc Fields: 
Observation Narrative ? B/W Roll 27: Photo 13 rep; 14 SE to SW; 15 SE to NE; 16 SE to NW Color Roll 8: Photo 34 work; 35 rep
Taxa occurring on this plot-observation
Change plant label:
Change Strata Shown:
ord Author Plant Name ?Original Interpretation, full Scientific Name ?Original Interpretation, Scientific Name without authors ?Original Interpretation, Common Name ?Original Interpretation, USDA Code ?Current Interpretation, full Scientific Name ?Current Interpretation, Scientific Name without authors ?Current Interpretation, Common Name ?Current Interpretation, USDA Code ? Stratum ?Cover ?Original Cover Code ?Basal Area ?Biomass ?Inference Area ? Stems: Stem Diameters (graphically):
1 Bryophyta Bryophyta **   Bryophyta Mosses Bryophyta **   Bryophyta **   Bryophyta Mosses Bryophyta **   Nonvascular
62.5 %
05       -none-
2 Eleocharis bolanderi Gray Eleocharis bolanderi Gray Eleocharis bolanderi Bolander's spikerush Eleocharis bolanderi Gray **   Eleocharis bolanderi Gray Eleocharis bolanderi Bolander's spikerush Eleocharis bolanderi Gray **   Herbaceous
37.5 %
04       -none-
3 Viola macloskeyi Lloyd Viola macloskeyi Lloyd Viola macloskeyi small white violet Viola macloskeyi Lloyd **   Viola macloskeyi Lloyd Viola macloskeyi small white violet Viola macloskeyi Lloyd **   Herbaceous
15 %
03       -none-
4 Polygonum bistortoides Pursh Polygonum bistortoides Pursh Polygonum bistortoides American bistort Polygonum bistortoides Pursh **   Polygonum bistortoides Pursh Polygonum bistortoides American bistort Polygonum bistortoides Pursh **   Herbaceous
15 %
03       -none-
5 Juncus oxymeris Engelm. Juncus oxymeris Engelm. Juncus oxymeris pointed rush Juncus oxymeris Engelm. **   Juncus oxymeris Engelm. Juncus oxymeris pointed rush Juncus oxymeris Engelm. **   Herbaceous
15 %
03       -none-
6 Lotus oblongifolius (Benth.) Greene Lotus oblongifolius (Benth.) Greene Lotus oblongifolius streambank bird's-foot trefoil Lotus oblongifolius (Benth.) Greene **   Lotus oblongifolius (Benth.) Greene Lotus oblongifolius streambank bird's-foot trefoil Lotus oblongifolius (Benth.) Greene **   Herbaceous
15 %
03       -none-
7 Mimulus primuloides Benth. Mimulus primuloides Benth. Mimulus primuloides primrose monkeyflower Mimulus primuloides Benth. **   Mimulus primuloides Benth. Mimulus primuloides primrose monkeyflower Mimulus primuloides Benth. **   Herbaceous
2.5 %
02       -none-
8 Carex nebrascensis Dewey Carex nebrascensis Dewey Carex nebrascensis Nebraska sedge Carex nebrascensis Dewey **   Carex nebrascensis Dewey Carex nebrascensis Nebraska sedge Carex nebrascensis Dewey **   Herbaceous
2.5 %
02       -none-
9 Hypericum anagalloides Cham. & Schlecht. Hypericum anagalloides Cham. & Schlecht. Hypericum anagalloides tinker's penny Hypericum anagalloides Cham. & Schlecht. **   Hypericum anagalloides Cham. & Schlecht. Hypericum anagalloides tinker's penny Hypericum anagalloides Cham. & Schlecht. **   Herbaceous
2.5 %
02       -none-
10 Eleocharis quinqueflora (F.X. Hartmann) Schwarz Eleocharis quinqueflora (F.X. Hartmann) Schwarz Eleocharis quinqueflora fewflower spikerush Eleocharis quinqueflora (F.X. Hartmann) Schwarz **   Eleocharis quinqueflora (F.X. Hartmann) Schwarz Eleocharis quinqueflora fewflower spikerush Eleocharis quinqueflora (F.X. Hartmann) Schwarz **   Herbaceous
0.5 %
01       -none-
11 Spiranthes romanzoffiana Cham. Spiranthes romanzoffiana Cham. Spiranthes romanzoffiana hooded ladies'-tresses Spiranthes romanzoffiana Cham. **   Spiranthes romanzoffiana Cham. Spiranthes romanzoffiana hooded ladies'-tresses Spiranthes romanzoffiana Cham. **   Herbaceous
0.5 %
01       -none-
12 Phalacroseris bolanderi Gray Phalacroseris bolanderi Gray Phalacroseris bolanderi Bolander's mock dandelion Phalacroseris bolanderi Gray **   Phalacroseris bolanderi Gray Phalacroseris bolanderi Bolander's mock dandelion Phalacroseris bolanderi Gray **   Herbaceous
0.5 %
01       -none-
13 Agrostis thurberiana A.S. Hitchc. Agrostis thurberiana A.S. Hitchc. Agrostis thurberiana Agrostis thurberiana A.S. Hitchc. **   Agrostis thurberiana A.S. Hitchc. **   Agrostis thurberiana A.S. Hitchc. Agrostis thurberiana Agrostis thurberiana A.S. Hitchc. **   Agrostis thurberiana A.S. Hitchc. **   Herbaceous
0.5 %
01       -none-
14 Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr. Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr. Perideridia parishii Parish's yampah Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr. **   Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr. Perideridia parishii Parish's yampah Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr. **   Herbaceous
0.5 %
01       -none-
This table is SORTABLE. Click the headers to sort ascending and descending.

Stratum Definitions:
Stratum Type ?Stratum Base ?Stratum Height ?Stratum Cover ?
Canopy     0 %
Dwarf Shrub     0 %
Emergent     0 %
Epiphyte     0 %
Herbaceous   0.5 m 80 %
Nonvascular   0.5 m 60 %
Short Shrub     0 %
Sub-Canopy     0 %
Tall Shrub     0 %
Vine/Liana     0 %
This table is SORTABLE. Click the headers to sort ascending and descending.
Observation Contributors:
Party ?Role ?
Roberts, Ryan Field assistant
Keeler-Wolf, Todd PI
Klohr, Shannon Plot author
Community Classification:
No communties have been assigned to this plot.

Soil Observations:
Soil Horizon ?Soil Depth Top ?Soil Depth Bottom ?Soil Color ?Soil Organic ?Soil Texture ?Soil Sand ?Soil Silt ?Soil Clay ?Soil Coarse ?Soil PH ?Exchange Capacity ?Base Saturation ?Soil Description ?
unknown         Silty Clay                

User Defined Values
No User Defined Data for this plot