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DB Table Name referenceParty
Table Reference Party
Notes This table stores information about parties that contributed to a reference.
Field DB Field Name Req'd? Data Type Misc Flag List? Definition
ID referenceParty_ID required serial PK no Primary key for the referenceParty table.
Reference Party Type type no varchar (250) n/a no Type of Party this record refers to: usually person or institution. Type determines rules for which fields must be completed.
Position Name positionName no varchar (250) n/a no This field is intended to be used instead of a particular person or full organization name. If the associated person that holds the role changes frequently, then Position Name would be used for consistency. Note that this field, used in conjunction with 'organizationName' and 'individualName' make up a single logical originator. Because of this, an originator with only the individualName of 'Joe Smith' is NOT the same as an originator with the name of 'Joe Smith' and the organizationName of 'NSF'. Also, the positionName should not be used in conjunction with individualName unless only that individual at that position would be considered an originator for the data package. If a positionName is used in conjunction with an organizationName, then that implies that any person who currently occupies said positionName at organizationName is the originator of the data package. Example(s): Niwot Ridge Data Manager
Salutation salutation no varchar (250) n/a no The salutation field is used in addressing an individual with a particular title, such as Dr., Ms., Mrs., Mr., etc.
Given Name givenName no varchar (250) n/a no The given name field is used for the all names, except the surname, of the individual associated with the resource. Possible usages include: first name and middle name, first name and middle initials, first name, etc. Example(s): Jo, Jo R., Jo R.W., John Robert Peter
Surname surname no varchar (250) n/a no The surname field is used for the last name of the individual associated with the resource.
Suffix suffix no varchar (250) n/a no A suffix or suffix abbreviation that follows a name. Examples: Jr., Senior, III, etc.
Organization Name organizationName no varchar (250) n/a no The responsible party field contains the full name of the organization that is associated with the resource. This field is intended to describe which institution or overall organization is associated with the resource being described. Note that this field, used in conjunction with 'individualName' and 'positionName' make up a single logical originator. Because of this, an originator with only the individualName of 'Joe Smith' is NOT the same as an originator with the name of 'Joe Smith' and the organizationName of 'NSF'. Also, the positionName should not be used in conjunction with individualName unless only that individual at that position would be considered an originator for the data package. If a positionName is used in conjunction with an organizationName, then that implies that any person who currently occupies said positionName at organizationName is the originator of the data package. Example(s): National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
Current Name currentParty_ID no Integer FK no Recursive Foreign key into the referenceParty table to indicate the current name of the party.
Accession Code accessionCode no varchar (100) n/a no Code that uniquely references this record, allowing reference to this record for this version of this database. Better than a primary key, which is automatically generated by a database and not globally unique. VegBank Accession codes are only generated by VegBank, and therefore data integrity can be guaranteed, unlike with a primary key (number).