Towards the river is a tall herb community with sycamore on the lower levee, then Carex emoryi on open cobble and river. Behind this levee is an old roadbed and a flat terrace with rock piles and successional tulip poplar, white pine, and oaks.;There is a sloping floodplain bank between an old road bank and a swale before the final levee. The forest is dominated by trees typically of upland oak habitats but this forest is flooded at least occasionally, probably most years. Oak potential goes down to floodplain on this southerly aspect point bar. There is some light flotsam behind tree trunks. This community type occurs as a narrow band along most of this floodplain on wide inside bend of the river.
The plot was placed to maximize oak cover and to avoid the road and upper terrace, which is successional on old field. This community was probably the type that occurred on the entire upper floodplain prior to settlement.