Ernodea littoralis - Forestiera segregata var. segregata - Coccoloba uvifera - Jacquinia keyensis Scrub
NatureServe Biotics 2019
This "coastal strand" community is found in southwestern Florida, ranging from Charlotte County south to Monroe County. It is distinguished from coastal strand communities of the Atlantic Coast of Florida by the absence of <i>Serenoa repens</i> and the abundance of <i>Ernodea littoralis</i>, and the frequent presence of species such as <i>Jacquinia keyensis, Sideroxylon celastrinum, Piscidia piscipula</i>, and <i>Suriana maritima</i>. Also, in contrast to the Atlantic Coast where strand occurs as dense stands of low shrubs immediately inland of the beach dune community, coastal strand on the southwestern Florida coast tends to occur as shrubby islands in coastal grassland or an open stand of shrubs between coastal grassland and maritime hammock communities. Other characteristic species include <i>Forestiera segregata var. segregata, Coccoloba uvifera, Lantana involucrata</i> (invasive), <i>Sabal palmetto, Randia aculeata, Sideroxylon celastrinum, Chiococca alba, Morella cerifera, Ardisia escallonoides, Myrsine cubana, Sophora tomentosa, Dalbergia ecastaphyllum, Opuntia stricta, Piscidia piscipula, Pithecellobium keyense, Ambrosia hispida</i>, and <i>Pithecellobium unguis-cati</i>.
Accession Code:{EB485297-BC84-4E7C-B6C0-B1DB3323D5C9}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: