Sideroxylon foetidissimum - Eugenia foetida - Coccoloba uvifera Forest & Scrub Alliance
NatureServe Biotics 2019
The vegetation of this alliance occurs as a narrow band of hardwood forest and tall shrublands lying just inland of the coastal dune system, as occurs in south Florida. It is found on stabilized, old coastal dunes, often with substantial shell components. The vegetation is characterized by hardwood species with tropical affinities. Some tree species common to this type include <i>Bursera simaruba, Coccoloba uvifera, Eugenia foetida, Ficus aurea, Guapira discolor, Sabal palmetto, Serenoa repens</i>, and <i>Sideroxylon foetidissimum</i>. The communities in southeast Florida are distinguished from those in southwest Florida by two frequently occurring trees, <i>Guapira discolor</i> and <i>Exothea paniculata</i>. A number of other species occur in eastern coast hammocks but not western coast hammocks. The very diverse canopy can be dominated or codominated by many species not included in the name, including <i>Coccoloba diversifolia, Coccoloba uvifera, Exothea paniculata, Sabal palmetto, Simarouba glauca</i>, and others.
Accession Code:{45BFD28C-6E2B-4EEA-BAD9-E653610A3233}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: