Deschampsia cespitosa - Carex viridula Riverscour Wet Meadow
NatureServe Biotics 2019
This New Jersey calcareous riverside seep community occurs along sections of river shoreline where winter ice-scouring, limestone outcrops, and natural seepage co-occur. The community is typically characterized by open, sparsely vegetated sections of smooth limestone outcrops that extend for variable lengths from the woodland edge to the river edge or areas of fractured ("latticed") limestone supporting denser vegetation in the crevices. Typically, sites have a north-northwest exposure and are fully exposed to late-day sun. The slope of the outcrops ranges from a gentle incline rising from the river shoreline to a 28° incline at the most steeply sloped sites. Species composition is variable and diverse, but the most frequent species are <i>Symphyotrichum lanceolatum, Deschampsia cespitosa, Carex viridula, Lythrum salicaria</i>, and <i>Phalaris arundinacea</i>. Other characteristic species include <i>Apios americana, Apocynum cannabinum, Artemisia vulgaris, Barbarea vulgaris, Doellingeria umbellata, Eleocharis</i> spp., <i>Eupatorium perfoliatum, Galium boreale, Hypericum mutilum, Juncus canadensis, Juncus dudleyi, Lobelia siphilitica, Lychnis flos-cuculi, Lycopus americanus, Lysimachia ciliata, Myosotis scorpioides, Parnassia glauca, Plantago major, Poa</i> spp., <i>Prunella vulgaris, Ranunculus repens, Rubus odoratus, Scirpus microcarpus, Spiranthes lucida, Viola</i> spp., and <i>Zizia aurea</i>. Several species of <i>Carex</i> are often present, including <i>Carex granularis, Carex hystericina, Carex pellita, Carex scoparia, Carex stipata, Carex vesicaria, Carex viridula</i>, and <i>Carex vulpinoidea</i>. Sparse shrubs may be present, mostly at the upslope end near the forest transition; they include <i>Alnus incana, Platanus occidentalis, Salix</i> spp., <i>Ulmus rubra, Cornus amomum, Rosa palustris</i>, and <i>Spiraea alba</i>.
Accession Code:{873F75F7-EA8E-404A-BB7A-2390C65337B8}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: