Carex aquatilis - Sphagnum spp. - Rhynchospora spp. Acidic Fen Alliance
NatureServe Biotics 2019
This alliance consists of herbaceous-dominated acidic fens where the herbaceous canopy is dominated by <i>Carex aquatilis</i> (often <i>var. dives</i>), <i>Carex lenticularis, Carex utriculata</i>, or <i>Schoenoplectus</i> species and includes characteristic fen species such as <i>Carex californica, Comarum palustre, Darlingtonia californica, Deschampsia cespitosa, Drosera rotundifolia, Eleocharis quinqueflora, Eriophorum chamissonis, Calliscirpus criniger, Rhynchospora alba</i>, and <i>Sanguisorba officinalis</i>. <i>Sphagnum</i> moss may be very abundant and contribute more cover than the vascular plants. Shrub species may be present but these generally have cover of <25% and may include <i>Ledum groenlandicum, Lonicera involucrata, Salix hookeriana, Spiraea douglasii, Vaccinium oxycoccos</i>, or <i>Vaccinium uliginosum</i>. This alliance occurs in southern Alaska, coastal British Columbia, Washington and Oregon. Climate is maritime. This vegetation is found in glacial cirques and valleys, often along streams, below seeps, and especially on the edge of beaver ponds. These wetlands have organic soil of peat at least 30 cm thick, with soil/water pH of <5.5. Elevations range from 850-1590 m. Substrates are moderately deep (50-90 cm), silt- or silty clay loam-textured soils with a deep organic horizon (20-50 cm). Parent materials are alluvium or volcanic pumice deposits. These wetlands have a high water table and are seasonally flooded during much of the growing season.
Accession Code:{34A12C08-EDF2-4425-9E5B-E63F28AB6D66}
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