Eriophorum virginicum - Impatiens spp. - Symplocarpus foetidus Seep Group
NatureServe Biotics 2019
This group contains primarily herbaceous-dominated seep vegetation of the north-central and northeastern United States from Maryland and Pennsylvania north to Maine, Vermont, Wisconsin, and into adjacent Canada. This vegetation is primarily dominated by tall and short forbs, as well as by graminoids and <i>Sphagnum</i> mosses in some associations. These seepage-fed wetlands are found on gentle slopes. Examples are linear, non-peaty, non-sphagnous, often rocky, groundwater slope wetlands that are embedded in an upland forest setting. Some smaller examples may be nearly or fully shaded by overhanging trees rooted in the adjacent forest, but others are open. Stands of this group are dominated by a wetland flora, but with a lack of species characteristic of floodplains and true bogs (some bog-related species may occasionally be present). Trees may be present on the edges of stands, or often overhanging, but are not characteristic. Shrub species are typically sparse and most typically mesophytic, rather than obligate wetland species. They may form dense zones around the edge but are not characteristic. The herb layer is generally well-developed, and is usually dominated either by characteristic forbs such as <i>Chelone</i> spp., <i>Impatiens capensis, Impatiens pallida, Rudbeckia laciniata</i>, and <i>Symplocarpus foetidus</i>, and/or with presence of <i>Carex</i> spp. and other graminoids, including <i>Eriophorum virginicum</i> and <i>Glyceria striata</i>. In addition, <i>Sphagnum</i> spp. may occur in a minority of examples, but it is more characteristic of vegetation in the other groups within this macrogroup.
Accession Code:{AEE229B4-4055-4C53-B473-9D25CB6D7DD4}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: