Andropogon virginicus var. virginicus - Ambrosia artemisiifolia - Rubus argutus Ruderal Grassland & Shrubland Group
NatureServe Biotics 2019
This group comprises vegetation that occurs on disturbed sites that were cleared and the soils disturbed (e.g., old fields, abandoned quarries, old homesteads, etc.). Stands may be composed of native or exotic species, or combinations of these. These are combinations of taxa for which no natural analog exists. In the southeastern Piedmont, the herbs and grasses that dominate old fields undergo a rapid turnover in the first three years after abandonment. By the third year, <i>Andropogon virginicus</i> often is the dominant plant. Before it achieves dominance, <i>Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Conyza canadensis, Digitaria sanguinalis</i>, and <i>Symphyotrichum pilosum</i> may be more prominent. Other perennial grasses may include <i>Andropogon gyrans, Andropogon ternarius</i>, and <i>Dichanthelium dichotomum</i>. Shrubs and vines appear in these communities, and some genera may form stands, including the native genera <i>Baccharis, Cornus, Prunus, Rubus</i>, and <i>Sophora secundiflora</i> (in Texas), as well as the exotics <i>Ligustrum, Pueraria</i>, and <i>Wisteria</i>. This variation is accommodated at the alliance level within this group, as in the absence of disturbance, small trees rapidly overtake them and become dominant.
Accession Code:{6A2A04E3-7F5A-44AA-81A3-1A5248432AA1}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: