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Map YOUR plots

Initial location of larger map outlined here:
You are mapping plots from this URL: http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/maps/76-points.csv

Linking to this page
You can map plots, then link to this page with your plots mapped. If you have a large number of plots, you may have to use an external file due to URL length limitations.

Link to this map with this URL:

If you'd like to map new plots, please see the instructions below:

Option 1: Enter your data

Copy and paste your csv data here, in the format stated below.

draw accuracy (columns 5-6) draw plot boundaries (columns 7-12)

Option 2: Link to your data

Specify the location your csv (comma-separated values) data file (this must be publicly accessible on the internet):

draw accuracy (columns 5-6) draw plot boundaries (columns 7-12)

Basic format:

Plot Name can only contain numbers, letters, spaces, underscores (_) and dashes (-). The CSV data should be structured: Plot Name, Latitude, Longitude where coordinates are in decimal degrees in WGS84 datum. There should not be a header line. An example:


Advanced format:

It is possible to map more complex data, which is the same basic format, but has a few more columns:
Basic plot information
Column 1:Plot Name - name of plot
Column 2:Latitude - Latitude of plot, in decimal degrees, in WGS84 Datum
Column 3:Longitude - Longitude of plot, in decimal degrees, in WGS84 Datum
Column 4:Extra information (optional)- this information, if present, is included in information boxes that are shown when you click on a plot marker.
Accuracy, optional
Column 5:Degrees "masked" - this indicates location uncertainty due to masking the exact plot location and an approximate location is given instead, offset by the number of degrees indicated
Column 6:location accuracy (m) - this is the estimated error of the original coordinates, in meters
Plot Shape, optional
Column 7:Plot azimuth - the compass bearing of the main axis of the plot, in degrees
Column 8:Plot X Dimension - the X dimension of the plot, in meters (if rectangular plot)
Column 9:Plot Y Dimension - the Y dimension of the plot, in meters (if rectangular plot)
Column 10:GPS receiver location X - the plot geocoordinates may or may not be taken from the 0,0 point on a plot. This records the X position of the GPS unit when calculating plot location.
Column 11:GPS receiver location Y - same as above, but Y position of GPS receiver
Column 12:dsgPolygon - for non-rectangular plots, a series of coordinates may be specified that define the plot bounds, e.g. (0,0)(10,0)(0,10)(0,0) - a right triangle.


After mapping plots, the following box will contain Google KML data for your mapped plots. You can then save this information as a KML file to interact with your plots in Google Earth or Google Maps: