Professional Training for VegBank and the NVC
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Professional Training for VegBank and the NVC

Part of the mission of the Panel is to provide training in the use and revision of the National Vegetation Classification. This includes collection of field data, development of new types and revision of existing types, and documentation of types.

We present workshops at the annual meeting and periodically with groups who request special training. The following is a list of those training workshops:

Official workshops

  • Using the Proposed National Standards for the Floristic Levels of Vegetation Classification in the United States:Associations and Alliances. Organized by David Glenn-Lewin. Workshop at the ESA 1999 Annual Meeting.
    August 7, 1999 --- Spokane, Washington, USA
  • Vegetation Classification. Organized by the ESA Vegetation Panel. Workshop at the ESA 2000 Annual Meeting.
    August 4-5, 2000 --- Snowbird, Utah, USA
  • Vegetation Classification Panel Field Trip and Workshop. Workshop at the ESA 2001 Annual Meeting.
    August 4-5, 2001 --- Madison, Wisconsin, USA
  • An Introduction to VegBank. Instructed by Michael Jennings, Robert Peet, Dave Roberts, Michael Lee, Don Faber-Langendoen, and John Harris. Workshop WS1 at the ESA 2002 Annual Meeting.
    August 2-3, 2002 --- Tucson, Arizona, USA (workshop details)
  • Vegetation Analysis for Defining and Revising the National Vegetation Classification. Lead by David Roberts, Don Faber-Langendoen, Michael Jennings. Workshop at the ESA 2003 Annual Meeting.
    August 3, 2003 --- Savannah, Georgia, USA
  • Introduction to VegBank: An online public archive for vegetation plots. Lead by Don Faber-Langendoen, Lee Anne Jacobs, Michael Jennings, Michael Lee, Robert Peet. Workshop I at the ESA 2004 Annual Meeting.
    July 31-August 1, 2004 --- Portland, Oregon, USA

Requested workshops

  • An Introduction to VegBranch. Presented by Michael Lee. Boreal Ecology Cooperative Research Unit of the USFS PNW Research Station and University of Alaska Fairbanks.
    March 7-8, 2003 --- Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
  • VegBank Workshop. Presented by Robert Peet, Don Faber-Langendoen, Michael Lee, and Lee Anne Jacobs. Attended by Regional NatureServe Ecologists from Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, and New York.
    November 3-4, 2003 --- Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
  • VegBranch Introduction and Training. Presented by Michael Lee. Attended by NatureServe and Heritage Program Ecologists from Virginia, North Carolina, and Minnesota.
    May 24-25, 2004 --- Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA