ESA VegBank workshop materials
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An Introduction to VegBank
ESA Workshop WS1

August 2-3, 2002

1. Workshop overview

Workshop description

2. Workshop handouts

Schedule (pdf)
List of instructors and participants (pdf)
Field datasheets and instructions (pdf)
Template for data entry (Excel)

3. Recommended reading

VegBranch Help Pages [no longer available]
Whittaker and Niering 1975 (pdf)
VegBank History

4. Resources

VegBank Plot Archive
VegBranch Download
USDA Plants - Arizona list (Excel)
USDA Plants website
NCV Communities known from Arizona
NatureServe Explorer
Standards for Associations & Alliances of the U.S. National Vegetation Classification.
(Version 1.0. ESA Vegetation Panel. May 2002).