Help: NPS-PLOTS Entry: Project Metadata
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NPS-PLOTS Entry: Project Metadata

Screenshot (click to enlarge in new window):

On this form, you should specify metadata that applies to all your plots in the NPS-PLOTS entry process. You can select one "plot type" and enter some plots, come back here and select and new plot type, then enter more plots of that type. Other fields will apply to all plots.

Project: You can either enter information about a new project, which is generally what's needed. If your project is already in the VegBank Module, press "choose project" and you'll be able to select a project instead of entering information about a new project. If your project turns out not to be there, press the same button, which now says "New Project" and you'll be able to fill in information about your new project.

Names: The Project Contributors names should be listed in the Project Contributor's box, and VegBranch will parse them and show you what it thinks you've entered. If it parses the names incorrectly, please fix the names, parsing with a semi-colon (;).
You should enter your full name, which will be used by VegBranch as the taxonomic interpreter and community interpreter. If you add any new plants or communities, you will be used as the contributor.
Your initials will be used in the NPS-PLOTS "User" field, but ignored in VegBranch.

Type of Plot: This is a very important field. Here, you can select "normal" (the default), or "QuickPlots" or "AA Observations." Your choice will alter the appearance of the next forms (Entering Plots and Species). QuickPlots have fewer fields to fill in (i.e. no area, less effort level), but are stored in the same NPS-PLOTS tables as normal plots. AA Observations are stored in the AA Observations Tables in NPS-PLOTS tables and have a slightly different set of fields.
IMPORTANT: You can enter plots of different types in one loading process, but you must enter some plots of one type (i.e. normal), then return to this form, fill in a different type (i.e. QuickPlots), then enter data in the forms again. The next forms will only show one type of plot at a time, but ALL plots will be exported and migrated.

Other fields: All other fields apply to all plots you enter. Some fields can be overridden by values in the plots form (e.g. area). If your Cover Method or Stratum Method is not in the VegBank module, please add it by pressing the "Add" button. The View button doesn't allow editing to prevent accidental editing of existing methods (not a good idea!). NOTE: When adding a new reference, use the "OK" button at the bottom of the screen to close that form.

Confidentiality: Select the confidentiality level for all plots you will enter. If you select something other than public, you need to provide a reason, which is a private field in VegBank.

Surficial Deposits and Rock Type: These are two problematic fields! The NPS-PLOTS database has a list of values that match VegBranch's Surficial Deposits field. If you enter values that match this list, you only want the values to be entered in the VegBranch Surficial Deposits field. However, if you use values like those in our Rock Type field, you'll want to check the box "Copy Surficial Deposits field..." to use your values for both fields. Then, you'll need to translate the values in a later VegBranch step. You will have to translate values for both lists, meaning you'll deal with each value twice, once for each field. Some values will only match a value in one list, some may match a value in both. VegBranch will prompt you to when you need to translate after you move the data into VegBranch tables.

Warnings: VegBranch will by default warn you when you enter values that are not already matched to plants or communities. If you are being bugged by these warnings, you can turn them off here. This is NOT recommended for new users, as heeding the warnings will save you time later in matching data.

At the bottom of this form, you can link directly to the Plots Entry Form. You can open the same form from the VegBranch NPS-PLOTS Data Entry Main Menu.

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